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Reviewing V. B. S. Materials
excellently carried out. Materials made by the student will have a per manent value and will serve as a positive reminder of the studies which were given. For the adult sessions a selection of six courses is available. These include: Basic Truths for New Converts, Bible Archaeology, Commu nism and Christianity, Church His tory Survey, Personal Evangelism, and the Christian Home. Gone are the days of searching for necessary com ponents for craft projects. A complete catalog is available for prescribed
Scripture Press Publications, Inc., Wheaton, Illinois Them e: ‘‘Making Time Count” With materials for six complete de partments (nursery, beginner, pri mary, junior, young teens and adults), and interesting new handcrafts which typify the overall theme (hourglass and sundial), this V.B.S. “ sample kit” is one of the most unique and color fully prepared. Sensing the growingly grave world conditions, the complete ly integrated theme in word, Scrip ture, pictures and illustrations is
ideas as well as additional sugges tions. It would seem impossible to make any errors in planning and exe
ALL NEW FOR ’64... STANDARD VBS COURSE • New Theme • New Lesson Titles • New Illustrations • New Manuals • New Crafts
cution of a successful V.B.S. program utilizing the complete Guidebook which is provided.
God's redemptive plan and promise to all mankind through the love and saving mis sion of Jesus Christ is made easy to teach, easy to understand in the 10-day STAND ARD VBS Course for '64. Learn more about it. Send for the JESUS, THE PROMISED SAVIOUR Introductory Kit — today! Order 9098...............$8.30 value, only $4.95
Concordia Publishing House, St. Louis 18, Missouri
Them e: “God, M y Country, and 1” Always one of the most complete presentations of materials (from pos ters to postcards, and door hangers to diplomas), the pertinent theme is beautifully characterized with Scrip tural and patriotic “flavor.” Teach ers’ manuals are particularly well prepared and cover not only the sub ject materials, but also, in easy-to- understand language, the crafts which are utilized. The complete superin tendent’s manual covers the strategic organization of V.B.S., publicizing the school, and the actual supervising of the entire activities (worship services, closing program, and follow-up). The avowed purpose of the colorful V.B.S. program is, in the words of the pub lishers, “ to make children aware that God has established earthly govern ments and has given men authority . . . and to lead children to the real-
KIT CONTAINS: D i r e c t o r ' s Manual • Teachers' Texts • Pupils' Books • 3 C raft Paks • Description o f Nursery and Teen Crafts • 1964 VBS Planbook • Song Book • Publicity Sup plies • Certificates • Aw ard • plus other help fu l items
FILMSTRIP fo r free use in your church. " I t Could Happen In Your Church"—full-color and sound film strip to help you create enthusiasm fo r your VBS, recruit workers.
STANDARD PUBLISHING • Cincinnati, Ohio 45231 • Dept. K B -3 6 4 from your f_i_| dealer, or O Complete 1964 VBS Introductory Kit, Send to_
9098......................... $8.30 value, only $4.95 □ 1964 VBS Planning Film strip, " I t Could Happen in Your Church," 9099 (You w ill be billed $3.50 which w ill be cancelled when film is returned on date specified.) Reservation date________ Return date________ □ FREE-1964 VBS Planbook. (Planbook in cluded in Kit.)
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