King's Business - 1964-03


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Reviewing V. B. S. Materials

excellently carried out. Materials made by the student will have a per­ manent value and will serve as a positive reminder of the studies which were given. For the adult sessions a selection of six courses is available. These include: Basic Truths for New Converts, Bible Archaeology, Commu­ nism and Christianity, Church His­ tory Survey, Personal Evangelism, and the Christian Home. Gone are the days of searching for necessary com­ ponents for craft projects. A complete catalog is available for prescribed

Scripture Press Publications, Inc., Wheaton, Illinois Them e: ‘‘Making Time Count” With materials for six complete de­ partments (nursery, beginner, pri­ mary, junior, young teens and adults), and interesting new handcrafts which typify the overall theme (hourglass and sundial), this V.B.S. “ sample kit” is one of the most unique and color­ fully prepared. Sensing the growingly grave world conditions, the complete­ ly integrated theme in word, Scrip­ ture, pictures and illustrations is

ideas as well as additional sugges­ tions. It would seem impossible to make any errors in planning and exe­

ALL NEW FOR ’64... STANDARD VBS COURSE • New Theme • New Lesson Titles • New Illustrations • New Manuals • New Crafts

cution of a successful V.B.S. program utilizing the complete Guidebook which is provided.

God's redemptive plan and promise to all mankind through the love and saving mis­ sion of Jesus Christ is made easy to teach, easy to understand in the 10-day STAND­ ARD VBS Course for '64. Learn more about it. Send for the JESUS, THE PROMISED SAVIOUR Introductory Kit — today! Order 9098...............$8.30 value, only $4.95

Concordia Publishing House, St. Louis 18, Missouri

Them e: “God, M y Country, and 1” Always one of the most complete presentations of materials (from pos­ ters to postcards, and door hangers to diplomas), the pertinent theme is beautifully characterized with Scrip­ tural and patriotic “flavor.” Teach­ ers’ manuals are particularly well prepared and cover not only the sub­ ject materials, but also, in easy-to- understand language, the crafts which are utilized. The complete superin­ tendent’s manual covers the strategic organization of V.B.S., publicizing the school, and the actual supervising of the entire activities (worship services, closing program, and follow-up). The avowed purpose of the colorful V.B.S. program is, in the words of the pub­ lishers, “ to make children aware that God has established earthly govern­ ments and has given men authority . . . and to lead children to the real-

KIT CONTAINS: D i r e c t o r ' s Manual • Teachers' Texts • Pupils' Books • 3 C raft Paks • Description o f Nursery and Teen Crafts • 1964 VBS Planbook • Song Book • Publicity Sup­ plies • Certificates • Aw ard • plus other help­ fu l items

FILMSTRIP fo r free use in your church. " I t Could Happen In Your Church"—full-color and sound film ­ strip to help you create enthusiasm fo r your VBS, recruit workers.

STANDARD PUBLISHING • Cincinnati, Ohio 45231 • Dept. K B -3 6 4 from your f_i_| dealer, or O Complete 1964 VBS Introductory Kit, Send to_


9098......................... $8.30 value, only $4.95 □ 1964 VBS Planning Film strip, " I t Could Happen in Your Church," 9099 (You w ill be billed $3.50 which w ill be cancelled when film is returned on date specified.) Reservation date________ Return date________ □ FREE-1964 VBS Planbook. (Planbook in­ cluded in Kit.)

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