King's Business - 1964-03



PRAYER IN ACTS I. Importance of prayer is emphasized in the Bible. 1. Knowledge is gained through prayer Jeremiah 33:3 2. Strength comes from prayer Isaiah 40:31 3. Joy is promised through prayer John 16:24 4. Rewards are promised through prayer Matthew 6:6 5. W e are commanded to pray Matthew 9:38 6. Prayer is a factor in overcoming fear Luke 18:1 II. The ten-day prayer meeting Acts 1:14 1. They were of one accord Acts 1:14 compare with Ephesians 4:1-3 1:14 compare with Ephesians 4:1-3 2. They were 120 in number 3. They prayed according to a com­ mand Luke 24:49 4. They saw marvelous results Acts 2:41 III. The Temple — a place of prayer Acts 3:1 1. A stated time to pray Acts 3:1 2. An opportunity of service Acts 3:2, 3 3. The power of God demonstrated Acts 3:6, 7 4. A sermon preached Acts 3:12-26 IV. Filled with Spirit as a result of prayer Acts 4:31 1. The place was shaken Acts 4:31 2. They spake with boldness Acts 4:31 3. The results were gratifying Acts 4:32-37 V. The prayer of Stephen Acts 7:55-60 1. He saw Christ Acts 7:55, 56 2. He pled for his persecutors Acts 7:60 3. In prayer he was like Jesus Luke 23:34 4. Prayer revealed the true nature of Stephen VI. Praying for Peter Acts 12:1-17 1. Sixteen soldiers were deployed to watch Peter Acts 12:4 2. Unceasing prayer was made Acts 12:5 compare with Ephesians 6:18, I Thessalonians 5:17, Colos- sians 4:2 3. Peter slept Acts 12:6 compare with Psalm 127:2 God gives sleep 4. The angel releases Peter Acts 12:7-10 5. Peter appears to the prayer group Acts 12:11-17

Tae Sun (Y-2)

Sook Hui (Y-l)

Kyung Yul (Y-4)

Kum Soon (Y-5)

Jae Joong (Y-3)

f rom your i nv es tmen t when you SPONSOR A KOREAN ORPHAN!

Hung Yong (Y-6)

Kyung Ja (Y-7)

Byung Doo (Y-8)

Meo Ae (Y-9)

Jong Rae (Y-10)

MORE THAN 3,000 FORSAKEN LITTLE CHILDREN .. . rescued from the streets and alleys of Korea’s cities and villages, are fervently praying for a sponsor. In return for your investment you will: 1 bring joy to a destitute child who will be assured that someone cares enough to provide food, shelter, clothing, education. . . 2 help train a future Korean leader through sound Christian instruction in Sunday school, church and Home by Bible-believing nationals . . . 3 bring unspeakably rich blessings to your own life through your compas­ SATISFIED “INVESTORS” The investment? Your prayerful interest and only $10 a month—only 30 pennies a day. We have thousands of satisfied “ investors” who attest to the measureless value of this use of their funds. Of course, your investment is tax-deductible and the dividends are tax-free. Each child pictured here is the innocent victim of deep personal tragedy in a tragedy-ridden land. Select one as your very own. Not only will you be sponsoring an orphan— but making an investment in a life!

sionate thoughtfulness. Your relationship with the child will be personal and en­ during; if old enough, the child will regu­ larly correspond with you. You will be sent name, address of Home, photo and history.

Perhaps you have a friend who would like to share the investment with you, or consider your Sunday school class or church group for investment in one or a number of orphans as a missionary project.


CLIP AND MAIL TODAY!--------------------------------------------, E V E R E TT SW ANSON, Founder and Director 0 Yes, I want to sponsor an orphan. My choice is Number______ _ If • this child has been chosen when this arrives, I agree to sponsor a similar child. I prefer 0 Boy, 0 Girl 0 Age. With God's help I will send $10 a month to Chicago office. Please send my child's name, picture, address and FULL PARTICULARS. I understand I may discontinue at any time. Enclosed is support for 0 first month, 0 one year. 0 I cannot sponsor a child now but want to help a child by giving $------------------------- 0 Please send folder, "Information About Sponsoring Korean Orphans." Name -Z ip Code _ All gifts and sponsoring are income tax deductible. C O M P A S S I O N (TheEverettSwansonEvangelisticAssn.,Inc.) An Interdenominational Non-Profit Corporation—Est. 1952 .K34 7774IrvingParkRi, Chicago,III.60634 Phone456-6116 . . . Compassion of Canada, Ltd., Box 569, Blenheim, Ontario State _

SHE REALLY KNOWS . . . "No one knows what it is really like to be a mother to a little orphan child until she has been one as I have in the past year. My, what a comfort and blessing.’’—Mrs. F. B., Blue Hill, Nebr. COMPASSION . .. Cares for more than 20,000 Korean orphans. Maintains 175 orphanages (includes 15 homes for children of lepers; deaf, dumb and blind children), supervised by Bible-believing staff and board of directors. Provides more than 25,000,000 meals each year. Awarded highest recognition by the Korean government.

V II. Paul and Silas pray

1. Note their condition a. Physically bad b. Spiritually good 2. Result of prayers

Acts 16:25

Acts 16:23, 24

Acts 16:25


MARCH, 1964

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