King's Business - 1964-03

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H is was a hopeless view of life as he stared at the ceiling from come to this: the combination of frus­ tration, alcoholism, family problems and emotional disturbance. He had experimented vainly with many possi­ ble solutions and this morning all was bleak, dreary and hopeless. The doctor had ordered him to the hospital for observation and rest. The solution would have to be more effec­ tive than the doctor had stated for the accumulated causes were of long standing, deep and corroding, as sin always is. When the nurse had finished her routine, she stopped a moment and said, “Would you like to have some­ one come in and talk to you? I am sure he could help you.’’ “ Yes,” he replied, as any thought of possible help was acceptable. That evening a man came and sat down by his bedside and told him about the great Physician who could heal all diseases and meet every hu­ man need. He verified his statements by giving the Physician’s own pre­ scription from the Word of God for the cure of the universal disease — sin — and specifically for the man’s own personal malady. Alone, sleepless, and with a deep hunger for the solution that had been suggested by his visitor, the needy one turned to God and told Him that he would trust Him to meet this great need. With a great surge of longing, he offered himself for the touch of the great Physician. It was instantaneous and complete. The appetite for in­ toxicating liquor was gone and a deep peace had displaced the emotional dis­ turbance. This was a miracle cure, as his own physician stated. One of God’s witnesses had an­ swered a request to go to a hospital room to speak to a needy, disillu­ sioned, sin-sick person about God’s remedy for sin. His personal testi­ mony and the formula from God’s Word provided the answer. How sim­ ple it is! Just a few moments given to a stranger and a miracle of God’s grace is the result. This is God’s way. Jesus said, “That both he that soweth and he that reapeth may rejoice to­ gether” (John 4:36). “ I sent you to reap . . (John 4:38).

his hospital bed. So it had finally

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MARCH, 1964


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