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er, Dr. Zuck examines the human teacher as an instrument of Holy Spirit teaching. He warns against the mystical view that emphasizes “ illu mination,” bypassing the Biblical rev elation. Neither is the work of the Spirit a substitute for human effort. There is a Biblical “ gift” of teach ing. This involves “ an enhancing, a channeling, and a quickening” of one’s natural abilities (p. 67). A good case is made for the Bible as the au thority in teaching, as well as its constituting in large measure the essential content of Christian educa tion. The book closes with some his torical material on the doctrine of the Holy Spirit as Teacher. There are two indexes. The author is a graduate of Biola College and Dallas Theological Seminary.— 189 pages; cloth; Scrip ture Press Publications, Wheaton, 111.; $3.95. B O O K E N D S ____________ (A Review of Current Publications) HOW GOD GIVES US APPLES. HOW GOD GIVES US BREAD. Both by M ary LeBar. Un paged; Standard Pub. Co., C incin nati; $.50 each. B e autifu lly illustrate d booklets w ith action in structions fo r teaching. W ILLIAM JAMES by Gordon H. Clark. 47 pages; paper; Baker Book House, Grand Rapids; $1.25. One o f the International Library o f Philosophy and Theology series. Pragm atism as espoused by James is shown to be w ith o u t reasonable foundation. JESUS LIVES; FLANNELGRAPH STORIES by Sylvia Tester. JESUS IS BORN; FLANNELGRAPH STORIES by Sylvia Tester. 23 pages each; Standard Pub. Co., C incinnati; $1.50 each. Ready-cut pictograph lessons w ith colored pictures backed fo r m ount ing. WE LEARN TO PRAY by M ary LeBar. U n paged; paper; Standard Pub. Co., C incinnati; $1.00. Spiral binding boo klet illustrate d by Doro th y Teichm an. WORLD FULL OF CHILDREN by Dana Eynon. Unpaged; paper over boards; Standard Pub. Co., C incin nati; $1.50. Views o f children in a num ber o f countries presented in colored pictures w ith sim ple te x t. MISSIONARY PROGRAMS FOR THE CHURCH by Tessa C olina. 64 pages; paper; $1.00. Can be used in a va riety o f situations in d iffe re n t church groups. PROGRAMS FOR WOMEN by Louise N ovotny. 112 pages; paper; Standard Pub. Co., C incinnati; $1.95. Thirteen outlines w ith h e lpful suggestions and condensed devotionals. THE PASTOR AND HIS WORK by Hom er A . K ent, Sr. 301 pages; clo th; M oody Press, Chica go; $4.50. A b e a u tifu l volum e w ith practical approaches to th e ch ie f problem s facing the pastor in his m inistry. The author is Vice-Presi dent o f Grace Theological Seminary. He served fifte e n years as a pastor and the same num ber o f years occupied th e chair o f Practical Theology at Grace Seminary. WHY REVIVAL TARRIES by Leonard Ravenhill. 175 pages; clo th; Bethany Fellowship, M innea polis; $2.00. S ixth p rin tin g o f a stirrin g and stunning analysis o f church deficiencies and spiritua l need. THE EIGHT PILLARS OF SALVATION by Har old M . Freligh. 123 pages; clo th; Bethany Fel lowship, M inneapolis; $2.00. Really a summary o f B iblical teaching on seven divisions o f the
Papal Infallibility By J. B. Rowell
This book comes at a significant time when the ecumenical atmos phere is tending to obscure a number of basic factors. It takes a good deal of courage to throw a bombshell into the contemporary calm of ecclesiasti cal confraternity, but Dr. Rowell has practiced courage for a long time. He feels that there is too much of a ten dency in human nature “ to save it self from the trouble of inquiry and the uneasiness of doubt” (p.v.) The specific formula that he attacks in this volume is that enunciated in the fourth chapter of the Vatican Decrees which states that the Roman Pontiff when speaking ex cathedra, that is, “ in the discharge of the office of Pas tor and Doctor of all Christians,” his definitions are “ irreformable of them selves, and not from the consent of the church.” “There is no shred of logical proof anywhere for this teaching, or for this claim,” contends Dr. Rowell. Along with a survey of opposition forces and contradictions within the Roman Church itself, he builds the Scriptural argument and adduces evi dence from the fathers themselves that the Roman Church has no war rant for its claim to represent the apostolic faith, and deprives it of its claim to apostolic succession. The au thor, now pastor emeritus, pastored the Central Baptist Church of Victor ia, B.C., for thirty-one years. — 171 pages; cloth; Kregel Publications, Grand Rapids; $3.50. The teaching ministry of the Holy Spirit is one of His most important ministries, yet not much has been written on it. Particularly has this been true in connection with religious education. As Howard Hendricks, un der whom the author studied, writes in the Foreword, “The presumptuous pedagogue who presents s p i r i t u a l truth on his own terms—however ex cellent may be his techniques— teach es in vain. He is like a man who tries to run his gasoline engine on water. It is powerless.” After discussing the Spirit as Teach- The Holy Spirit in Your Teaching By Roy B. Zuck
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