Oak Park, Illinois, has evaluated the first Missionary Health Workshop held recently on the campus of Whea ton College, as a “ tremendous suc cess.” Many of the questions related to physical and emotional health of missionaries were discussed, covering such subjects as: personality and physical evaluation, minimum stand ards, ethics, financial responsibility of mission boards for health mainten ance, and furloughs. Thirty-eight mis sion boards and 14 countries were rep resented at the workshop. C. Chester Larson, Sunday school executive secretary of the Evangelical É F r e e C h u r c h o f A m e r ic a , has ac- B cepted the position Southwest Unit- et^ States Christian tmmSk Education Consul- Canada as an authority on the Sun day school movement, having served in a number of capacities of leader ship on Sunday school boards. In his new position, Mr. Larson’s responsi bility primarily will cover the greater Los Angeles area. Rev. Herbert E. Kyrk, secretary of Home Missions for the Evangelical FreeChurch of America, has an nounced the appointment of Rev. Roy Cummings, Turlock, California, as a home missions evangelist. In addition to holding family crusades in congre gations, Mr. Cummings will work with children and youth in week-day services. L a r r y Love, out s t a n d i n g Bible teacher and associ ate evangelist with the Billy Graham Crusade Team, re cently accepted a call to the pastorate of the First Evan gelical Free Church of Wheaton, Illi nois. The church is strategically located at one of the key crossroads of America. Dr. Bob Pierce, president of World Vision, Inc., announced that the In dian states of Andhra Pradesh and Assam will host conferences for na tional pastors this spring. Among the speakers for the conference are Dr. Paul S. Rees and Dr. Richard C. Halver son. Dr. Love tant for Scripture Press Publications, Wheaton , Illinois. Mr. Larson is known t h r o u g h o u t the United States and Mr. Larson
Mr. Ronald Widman, a graduate of the Christian Education department of Biola College, La Mirada, Califor nia, has been elected to serve as pub lic relations director of the Southern California Directors of Christian Edu cation Association. The SCDCE is pri marily a service organization, bring ing together ministers and directors of Christian Education from many evan gelical denominations throughout the Southern California area. “ Largely through the impact of SCDCE, the Southern California area exercises strong national leadership in the field of evangelical Christian education,” says Mr. Widman. Dr. Dick Hillis, general director of Overseas Crusades, Inc., and Bob Ed wards, director of career conferences,
NOW! Trainteachers inal departments with new“how-to" filmstrips
h a v e a n n o u n c e d th a t the Overseas Careers Conference will be held this month at the Uni- versity of Southern California. The pur- pose the Confer- young people to the many career oppor tunities which are
Need more trained teachers in your Sun day School? This all-new ROYAL COM MISSION Series of nine full-color sound filmstrips will help to train your Sunday School staff to teach God’s Word more effectively to every age-group. The 25-minute introductory, SO HIGH A CALLING, shows how Bible teaching can be eternally worthwhile and why thorough trairiihg is so vital. Reserve this challeng ing filmstrip for a FREE showing in your church soon! Eight dramatic-story departmental film strips show how to organize and teach in specific departments . . . how to adapt Bible content and teaching methods to pupils’ needs. A special Discussion Guide gives detailed plans to get maximumbene fit from each filmstrip in four discussion sessions emphasizing many important facets of teaching. Available now: Set No. I INurtery/ Beginner), $16.50; and Sel No. 2 (Primary/Junior), $ 16.50. Coming soon: Young Teen/Senior High and Adult/Cradle Roll sets. Ask for complete information about these sparkling new filmstrips today! See and hear these new leather training filmstrips at your Christian bookstore or write . . .
Dr. Hillis
available overseas in missionary serv ice and in secular and government agencies. Interested persons should write to Overseas Careers, 265 Lytton Avenue, Palo Alto, Calif. Eric S. Fife, convention and mission ary director of Inter-Varsity Christian Fellowship, has announced the 7th In ternational Student Missionary Con vention to be held Dec. 27-31, 1964 at the University of Illinois, Urbana, Illinois. The new Assembly Hall of the University, where the convention will be held, is one of the world’s most unusual structures. Among the speak ers for the convention are Billy Graham, Arthur Glasser, Eugene Nida and Clyde Taylor. Dr. Russell L. Mixter, chairman of the Department of Biology at Whea ton College, has announced that ele mentary teachers (grades 1-6) may earn four hours of credit or audit courses offered at the Summer Insti tute in Biology and Geology at the Black Hills (South Dakota) campus of the College. Only twenty elemen tary teachers and principals can be accepted in the Wheaton College proj ect. For further information, write to Dr. Russell L. Mixter, Department of Biology, Wheaton College, Wheaton, Illinois. J. Raymond Knighton, executive direc tor of the Christian Medical Society,
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