King's Business - 1964-03

Vacation Bible Course praised by all


Don't miss the vacation Bible School Course that has won the approval of leaders everywhere.

by James O. Henry Chairman, History Department, Biola College over the vacation activities of school children. Church authorities have in­ structed their ministers to ignore the decree. The Protestant church,' both in West and East Germany, has been using vacation periods to hold camp seminars for religious training in preparation for church confirmation of youths. Marriage Advice of Quacks Scored A group of marriage counselors in Manhattan recommended “ adultery, promiscuity, and unnatural sexual re­ lations” to young husbands and wives with marriage problems, according to a recent legislative hearing in New York. Poorer patients treated by the counselors were encouraged to have affairs and receive “ gifts” from richer patients so that they could pay their fees, the hearing revealed. One of those named in the investigation had formerly been “ arrested for impair­ ing the morals of a minor,” but the girl was sent to Texas and the man evaded prosecution. He later joined the faculty of a well-known Univer­ sity as a psychologist by endowing a chair with a gift of $100,000. Poland Trying "Free" Industry Poland’s Communist regime is in­ volved in an experiment which could mark the beginning of the end of rigid planning of the Soviet type in the Polish economy. Thirty-four fac­ tories specializing in the production of export goods have been given the right to operate more or less on their own initiative, free from central con­ trol. For them the criterion of suc­ cess will not be the usual one of quantity production totals without regard for quality or demand. They will be judged solely on the amount they will be able to sell abroad— in fact, on their hard currency earn­ ings. To whet the interests of the workers, the factories have been given the right to increase sharply the amount of money set aside for bonuses and incentive pay. Equally significant is the fact that the factories will not have to abide by the government’s employment plan. Other plants have to take on employees whether they need them or not, just to give people jobs. The 34 selected factories may hire only the number they need.

Soviet Executes Five as Profiteers

Get free copy of new LEADER'S GUIDE. Gives you the theme, theme song, daily devotions, lesson descrip­ tions for 13 years, plus other helps. Make 1964 your best VBS year with this series. Brings boys and girls into a right relationship with God. Sound Bible Training With Herald Summer Bible School Se­ ries you need never apologize for gadget activity or lack of influence. You'll echo one director's response, "Created an atmosphere of calm in both teacher and pupil that warms my heart after nearly a year." Another writes, "Was a real blessing to all." Write today for your copy of the LEADER'S GUIDE. Make this your banner year!

Five Russians have been shot on charges of having made a profit from the illicit manufacture and sale of razors, fountain pens, buttons and rulers, according to a Moscow report. The five men were convicted by the Russian Supreme Court in Leningrad after a four-month trial in which 300 witnesses were heard and 150 vol­ umes of evidence taken. The ring, of which the five were said to be the leaders, has been accused of manu­ facturing pens, razors, and similar articles privately at a Leningrad plant and selling them through accomplices in government-run stores in several cities. This would indicate that Russia has no end of trouble with its govern­ ment-controlled operations. Pope Paul VI, in a letter to Spain’s Roman Catholics, has called for more intensive social and civic education to combat the “ spiritual impoverish­ ment and depersonalization” of the individual living in a mass society. The phenomenon of the mass society is becoming more and more apparent, the Pope said, but the characteristics that accompany this phenomenon “may endanger the perfecting of the human person if he is not helped to adequate civic and social education.” This seems to be a new trend in the Catholic Church. Church Curbed in East Germany Protestant leaders attending the 11th German Evangelical Church Congress recently in Dortmund, Ger­ many, expressed fear that another showdown between the Communist East German regime and the Prot­ estant churches might be imminent. These leaders also complained bitter­ ly that the Communists, in contrast to past years, had refused to grant visas to East Germans who wanted to at­ tend this year’s church meeting in the West German city. As described by Protestant sources, the latest round in the battle between East German church leaders and the regime centers on an official decree that gives the government virtually absolute control Pope Urges Growth of Civic Education


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