Morm ons (continued) sistent with any language factors of the known ancient language of the Maya whose predecessors carved the stone. An examination of the tree of life story in the Book of Mormon will show that it is an almost exact, word by word, transcription of the identi cal dream of Joseph Smith, Sr., the father of the prophet Joseph. Lucy Mack Smith documents this dream of her husband’s in her biography of her son, Biographical Sketches of Joseph Smith the Prophet and His Progenitors for Many Generations. In the writing of the Book of Mormon, Joseph Smith merely related the dream of his father and attributed it to the father of Nephi. Milton R. Hunter is most incon sistent of all in his attempts to have the well known and dated cultures of the ancient Americans correspond with the story of the Book of Mor mon. Hunter knows very well that the Book of Mormon has the Lamanites annihilating the Nephites in 421 A.D., and that the Lamanites then deteriorated into a shiftless, degener ate, loathsome race of savages such as were found along the Atlantic sea board by the European colonists. Oraibi, oldest continuously inhabited vil lage (1250) in the United States. Hunter knows, as does anyone who has investigated the subject, that the great developments in literacy, the arts, architecture and literature of the ancient Americans did not occur until long after the time period of the Book of Mormon. According to the Book of Mormon, the great deteriora tion of the people started about 200 A.D., and had its culmination in 421 A.D. Whereas the facts of the case are that the great civilizations of the Americans had their beginning in the second century A.D., and were only past their climax a few hundred years before the Spanish conquest. Now, let us go back to the Navajos, who are at present the special target of Mormon missionary persuasion. There is no question but that the Mormons insist that the Navajos are the Lamanites of the Book of Mor mon. The young missionaries are gaining much ground by telling the Navajos that the Book of Mormon tells them about their ancestors. Hun-
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