King's Business - 1964-03

PILLSBURYS K K COLLEGE Owatonna, Minnesota

dreds of Navajos base their conver­ sion to Mormonism on this obvious untruth. Let’s look at the facts: 1) The Navajos are pure Mongo­ loids of the Athapascan language family who migrated south from the top of North America. The greater number of Athapascan tribes still make their homeland in the north of Canada. 2) It is known that the Nava­ jos came, as nomad hunters, into the area where they now live, no earlier than about 1,000 A.D. and that they kept increasing for about 300 years until the corn-growing tribes who had previously occupied the area moved away. This was about 600 years after the golden plates of the Book of Mor­ mon were supposed to have been buried on the side of the hill Cumo- rah in New York State. 3) It is def­ initely known that the cultures of the Navajos was vastly different from that of the tribes of the southwestern states, Mexico and Central America, and certainly had no correspondence with the supposed culture of the Book of Mormon people. The young missionaries of the Mor­ mon church who are spreading this story are probably quite unaware of the fact that they are not telling the truth. They have never been exposed to the facts of the case by their teach­ ers; in fact, they have never been allowed to entertain the fact that the Book of Mormon will not stand in­ vestigation. The leaders of the Mormon church dare not question or repudiate the Book of Mormon in spite of the fact that they do not use it as a book of doctrine of the Church, and have not used it as such since about ten years after it was published. They dare not because to do so would be to ques­ tion the authority of the prophet, Joseph Smith. The Book and the prophet must stand or fall together. Also the Mormon leaders dare not advise the careful study of the Bible because they know that Mormon doc­ trine is not compatible with a true exegesis of the Bible which asserts unequivocally that salvation is by grace through faith in the Calvary work of Jesus Christ, and that it is not gained or maintained by any good works that man can do. Mormon doc­ trine asserts the very opposite of this, that salvation by good works and pro­ gression in the activities of the Mor­ mon church. The Mormon gospel is for “ good” people whereas the Bible insists that Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners. He said, “ I came not to call the righteous, but sinners to repentance.” The Mormon doctrines and the Mormon writings have no cure for sin.

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MARCH, 1964


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