King's Business - 1964-03


welcomes qualified applicants. . .

L o ca te d on a w ood ed , 33-acre campus, six miles northwest of Wheaton, Illinois .. - the Academy offers academic preparation for schools of higher education. Fully accredited by the North Central Association of Colleges and Second­ ary Schools, it provides for your son’s and daughter’s all-around de­ velopm ent-intellectual, spiritual, social and physical life. Write or phone today for admission and placement procedure— Phone 231-0727 WHEATON ACADEMY, Dept. K34 Box 267 Wheaton, Illinois

by Jenkin Lloyd Jones

L e t ’ s t r y t h e swift kick on juvenile delinquency. We’ve tried about everything else with uniformly dis­ appointing results. We’ve tried repeated paroles that end only when the parolee commits a crime so serious that it cannot be ignored. We’ve tried Big Brother clubs, and palsy-walsy cops. We’ve tried wrecking tenements and building nice public housing. We’ve tried volleyball and tennis courts and Saturday outings into the woods. We’ve tried country club reforma­ tories with no walls and big swim­ ming pools and movies every night.

March is the Biola Hour Annual Survey.

Your letter is a vote to “ K eep the Gospel on the air ’til Christ comes for us in the air.”

"Bible Foundation Course" ...«-....-.j—— $ 3-00 "Chapter Summary" 5.00 "Child Evangelism" ........................................... 5.50 "Christ in The Tabernacle" (Talbot) ........... 6.50 "Fundamental Doctrines" (Torrey) .............. 6.50 "God's Plan of the Ages" (Talbot) 5.00 "Minor Prophets" (5 Units) Feinberg ...... 16.50 "Practical Bible Training" ..^*,.w.... 2.50 '^Prophecies of Daniel" (Talbot) 6.50 "Studies fo r New Christians" ...... 1.00 "Studies in Romans" (Talbot) .....1.............. 5.50 "Studies in the Gospels" ................................. 6.50 "The Book of Acts'/ ....... .— ..............-....... 3.50 "The Books of Ephesians" (Talbot) ........... 5.50 "The Book of Revelation" (Talbot) ......... 6.50 "The Cults" (Talbot) .......i....................... 6.50 Evangelical Teacher Training Course 6 Units. Preliminary Certificate $17.00


6 Units (plus 6 Units Preliminary Course) Advanced Certificate Course .-..-....I,'..-..-..........$ 17.00 All New Bible Geography Course featuring Baker's Bible Atlas, Study guides closely following Biblical narrative ........... $10.00

• A com pletely new series of one and two bedroom units • Fully air conditioned (heated and re­ frigerated) • Lease available com pletely furnished or unfurnished • Complete recreational facilities, club house and chapel • Three miles from center of Phoenix. New shopping centers close to door for a descriptive brochure, write: SHARON GARDENS 3025 West McDowell Road Phoenix, Arizona

W e have taken the Bible out of the schools only to have to put it in the penetentiary. Christian education begins in the high chair, not the electric chair. And still the young hoods multiply. The Senate Juvenile Delinquency Subcommittee reports that 20 per cent of American youngsters between 10 and 17 now have juvenile records.

i | Name_______________________________________ | j Address---------------------------------------------------------------- I | City____________________Zone___ State________ j I BIOLA CORRESPONDENCE SCHOOL I I Dept-. KB3 558 S. Hope St., lo t Angeles, Calif, j



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