/V\ C . cv\ ¿ V■\ i a THE MORAL COLLAPSE OF OUR COUNTRY by Paul Harvey O ne hundred and sixteen million church goers in the United States before. That is an increase of thirty percent in ten years. But — the illegitimacy has increased 300 per cent; pornography has become a $500,000,000 a year business; venereal disease has increased 72 percent in one year; our crime bill is twenty billion dollars a year, and crime is increasing four times faster than our population is increasing. Juvenile crime is increasing five times faster. For every dollar we spend on churches, we spend $12,000 on crime, and the divorce rate is now one in three. Our nation has five million alcoholics and 3^2 million problem drinkers. You combine all of our churches, and all of the synagogues, and all of the temples and they are outnumbered by taverns by 175,000. If you combine all the money we spend on religion, education, medicine and automobiles, what we give to gamblers is more than all those put together. Ours is the most civilized, most Christianized nation on earth, yet 37 million of our own children receive absolutely no religious in struction. So — what I am presenting is that we have more preachers in the United States, but we are paying less atten tion to them than at any time in the nation’s history. Our clergy is not being persecuted, it is being IG NORED. Methodist Dr. Kermit Yong says, “ W e are no longer fishers of men , we are keepers of the aquarium. W e spend most of our time swiping fish from each others’ Bowls.” What keeps a nation strong? What keeps a people safe? If Congress could do it, Tyre would never have fallen. If political organization and regimen tation could do it, Rome would never have fallen. If military power could do it, Germany would never have fallen. And religious ceremony is not enough or Israel of old would never have fallen; and treachery won’t do it or Japan would never have fallen. It was said, “America is great because she is good, and if America ever ceas es to be good, America will cease to be great.” Well, America is ceasing to be good, and, Mr. Clergyman, the responsibility is yours. Whether you like it or not, you are the command ing officer in the cold war; and we’re losing it. Whatever your strategy has been, it has not been good enough. c\l
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MARCH, 1964
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