King's Business - 1964-03

THE KING’S BUSINESS is a splendid magazine. I used to take it years ago, then let my subscription expire and just neg­ lected to re-subscribe. I saw it again at a friend’s home and wondered how I had gotten along without it so long! Mrs. M. E. Lawson, Odessa, Washington Many thanks for giving the world such a wonderful true Christian magazine such as THE KING’S BUSINESS. I truly enjoy mine —- from the monthly features to each fine article. Mrs. Bertha Peterman, South San Gabriel, Calif. KB IN JAPAN I have had THE KING’S BUSINESS sent to my son the past two years while he was stationed in Japan, and he surely did enjoy reading it. He had the pleasure of passing it on each month to a missionary serving in Japan. Thank you so very much for publishing such a fine magazine. Mrs. Charles Wilshire, Exeter, California CULTS CRITIQUE Our prayers with thanksgiving for you and your great work in all of its phases. THE KING’S BUSINESS continues its richness throughout. I have often had questions regarding some of the present- day cults. The authentic forthright presen­ tation without bitterness, in THE KING’S BUSINESS, is a real blessing to help others. Mrs. H. F. Gilbert Having read the article “SDA’s: A Change of Tune?”, (August, 1963) I would like to add this: No, there is no change. The real teaching of these siren songs does not change. The reason is that they are authored by Satan. At first I was wondering why you would use an entire KB page with Saturdayite dates. Then I came to the last of the article. Here the fatal lying heresies of this Move­ ment which claims to be fundamental are mentioned. The SDA’s deny and distort every single Bible doctrine. W. L. Kennedy, Santa Ana, California QUESTION BOX It was with great pleasure that I re­ ceived my “ first” copy of THE KING’S BUSINESS, and I must say that it was like meeting with an old friend again, since it had been nearly ten years since I had formerly subscribed. I found your articles very interesting indeed, together with the wonderful fea­ tures, including Dr. Talbot’s Question Box. However, I was rather disappointed to note that the Sunday school helps had been discontinued. They had been of such value to me in teaching my class. William J. Lewis, New Brunswick


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MARCH, 1964

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