King's Business - 1964-03



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How V. B. S. Materials Develop gram. It is something both children and parents will want to keep. The idea was conceived by Gladys Mc­ Elroy and Eleanor Doan of GLP’s staff. “ I think one of the most significant trends in Vacation Bible School,” com­ ments Mr. William Greig, Jr., vice president, “ is the fact that many churches are now using a five-day program. Heretofore some pastors have not had Vacation Bible School, and others have not been successful, often due to a lack of qualified lead­ ers for a full two weeks. The new completely tailored five-day course has been developed to encourage more Bible Schools as well as the “ continuing of schools which were being suspended because of a lack of help.” Mr. W. A. Williamson, director of marketing services, has stated that this year Gospel Light Press will print millions of units and distribute them to churches of various denomi­ nations throughout the country and around the world. “We noted a 40% together to examine some of the V.B.S. W. T. Greig, Jr., executive vice president

KING’S BUSINESS p i c t u r e

I t started as far back as 1959. En­ ergetic and enthusiastic staff members of Gospel Light Publica­ tions in Glendale began preparing for the 1964 Vacation Bible School ma­ terials. These are now ready for dis­ tribution in the months ahead. Always one of the pioneers in pre­ senting unique V.B.S. ideas, Gospel Light began the use of filmstrips and recordings for teacher recruitment and training. In addition, in order to meet the needs of groups or classes where no pianist or song leader is available, “ sing along” records have been developed. This is not to men­ tion the many fascinating ideas in craft kits, all of which are directed toward a more successful Vacation Bible School program in the local church. One of the most unique ideas for this year’s craft program is a Bible- scope (built like a kaleidoscope) fea­ turing verses on the drum of the device. The children will actually build it during a church’s V.B.S. pro- Gospel Light Publications leaders gather craft materials. From left to right are Mr. and general manager; Nelson, president;

Dates are set for production and delivery of materials. Mr. W illiam A . Williamson, director of the Marketing Division, works with Miss M yrt Leimer, advertising and product design manager.

Checking filmstrip “ story board.'’ for pro­ duction is Mr. Carl Lindgren, director of GL’s audio-visual department.

Dr. M ilford Sholund, director of Biblical research; Dr. Cyrus and Mr. W . T. Greig, chairman of the Board of Directors.

Mr. Williamson checks final filmstrip with Mr. Robertson L. McGlone, purchasing agent for the firm. Ideas abound from two of Gospel Light Publications’ staffers, Miss Eleanor Doan (le ft), product development director, and Mrs. Gladys M cElroy, V.B.S. editor.



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