King's Business - 1964-03

Some things are worth repeating . . .

especially the

WAYS WHEATON ANNUITIES CAN BENEFIT YOU IF YOU ... 2 want an assured income for life . . . Wheaton Sin­ gle Life Annuities guarantee you prompt, gener­ ous income payments for as long as you live. are interested in a plan that will put your money to work for you—and for the Lord’s work as well—Wheaton Annuities are an investment “ For Christ and His Kingdom.” want to be sure that your affairs are in good hands at your homegoing—you can plan now, wisely, generously, for your loved ones; and for the cause o f Christ, with Wheaton Survivorship An­ nuities. would like to wHl a guaranteed income for life to loved ones . . . a Wheaton Annuity is a continu­ ing reminder o f your thoughtfulness, and your money continues to work for the Lord! want to know what makes Wheaton Annuities so attractive to so many people . . . consider these benefits: 1. An investment with a spiritual impact. 2. Dependable, liberal returns on your money. 3. Flexibility and tax benefits. desire information on how Wheaton Annuities can benefit you . . . use the convenient coupon form to get full details by return mail. 5

What makes WHEATON ANNUITIES so attractive to so many people? THE BENEFITS! tnvMtmair w.'rti« t—Btt ~ w.: . mm %kk.i ^« * " ^wRwwniAnnuitypnjfncitttjij^


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Please send me, without obligation, Pleasant Tomorrows, the illustrated booklet which explains in detail the Wheaton Annuity Plan.



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