King's Business - 1964-03






what a DEBT ! L. W . Ayers is a man deeply in debt —to an automobile w indow decal. But even more important than how a student chooses B ob Jones University is why. Larry says: "I was scared o f B ob Jones University. Because o f my background, I thought the exceed­ ingly high spiritual, academic, and cultural standards would be too much for me. Yet I knew it wou ld take that to make me a useful Christian teacher; and where else could I find such a combination o f standards but at the ¿Jrw usujLl BOB JONES UNIVERSITY Stands without apology for the "old-time religion” and the absolute authority of the Bible. Serviceman Ayers expected nothing more than reliable transportation from the used car he bought in Southeast Alaska, but he got more — much more. That B ob Jones University decal in the car’s rear w indow was recognized one day by the father o f the automobile’s previous owner. This contact began a chain o f events wh ich has shaped Larry’s life to this day. It led to his per­ sonal acceptance o f Christ as Saviour, introduced him to the girl who later became his wife, and —you guessed it —eventually led him to Bob Jones University.

M u sic, speech, and a rt w ith o u t ad ditional cost above regu lar academ ic tu itio n . In s titu te o f C h ris tia n S ervice, A cadem y, and seventh and eighth grades in connection. G rad u ate Schools of R elig io n and Fine Arts.

R E G U L A R S U M M E R S E S S IO N : J U N E 1 - J U L Y 4

PO S T S E S S IO N ; J U L Y 6 - J U L Y 24

G R E E N V I L L E , S O U T H C A R O L I N A

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