King's Business - 1964-03


the individuals involved; the products themselves are innocent o f blame. Most assuredly this cannot be said o f the cigarette. The Christian public should be more than a little ashamed o f the fact that it was left to the secularists to bring together the weight o f evidence against this sordid business. In essence, this is a moral problem and Christians everywhere should be alert to the great moral issues o f the day. Some years ago it became apparent that it was not popular to speak out against the cigarette habit; therefore the leaders o f the great denominations in large measure, stopped the crusade on this particular issue. Once again the church has failed to speak out in behalf o f righteousness and morality, as well as to proclaim the great spiritual truths found in the Word o f God to our people. Another condition in this country demands as thorough an investigation as did the cigarette industry. This has to do with the liquor traffic. Through the years many studies have been pro­ duced which reveal that the liquor traffic is just as deadly in its results as is the cigarette, if not more so. Warnings have been issued by individuals and groups against the evils o f drink. It would be a wonderful thing if the great denominations would now unite in a great voice demanding that the Surgeon General o f our country appoint another committee o f equally prominent physicians and surgeons to make an intensive study o f the many life-destroying and evil facets o f the liquor industry and to bring in as comprehensive a report concerning this damnable blight upon our country as the present committee has in its report on the cigarette industry. The lives which are annually destroyed either as a direct or indirect influence o f the liquor habit, the multiplied thousands o f homes which are vitally affected or com­ pletely destroyed by this terrible scourge, the untold number o f children left as wards o f governmental agencies because o f alcoholic parents, all testify to the consummate evils which derive from the entire liquor business. It is strange that although there have been numerous suggestions as to how the liquor industry can be controlled nobody seems to want to control it as in the days o f prohibition. News commentators and writers o f various types shudder at the thought o f recurrence o f prohibition. Is there no united voice in our country today which will give the truth concerning the value o f prohibition during the years it was in force in our land? All we hear are perversions o f the truth o f that situation. The liquor interests have so completely brainwashed the present generation that it seems impossible to get the truth out much less to have it believed by a sizeable portion o f our citizenry. Granted, there was a great deal o f illicit trade in liquor during those years, but government records show that today there is vastly more illicit trade than there was then in spite o f the fact that the country is wide open for the liquor interests to ply their devilish business. Long forgotten statistics could be unearthed which would reveal the vast good that came to the country during the days o f prohibition in spite o f the (continued on page 51)




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MARCH, 1964

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