Hy Pax - 3oz Tasting Cups

Our Company delivers exceptional value and quality products to our trading partners. With extensive distribution and expandable capacity, our core products are readily available.

3oz Tasting Cups • High cla rity displaying cont e nt cl e a rl y • Mad e of polyp r opyl ene • Gre at f or be v er ag e sampl e s • Can also be used f or sauc es, di p s, o r in - hou s e food sampling

Item Code

Descrip � on

Pack Size


HPE-TSCUP-3OZ Hy Pax Eco® Tas � ng Cup 3oz

100X20 10626521013151

7275 Fi�h Line, Milton, Ontario, L9E 0G1

511Foods er vic e .com


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