Fit4Life: How To Beat Sciatica In 4 Easy Steps

HOW TO BEAT SCIATICA IN 4 EASY STEPS 1. Start stretching - Your muscles were made to move, and when you don’t, your muscles become tighter. In addition, as you age, your tissues become less elastic, worsening the effects. Stretching needs to be part of your daily routine. We teach you the best stretches to reverse sciatica symptoms quite quickly.

2. Improve your core and hip strength - Doing the correct exercises for the abdomen, hips and spine can make a world of difference in how well you feel. Most sciatica sufferers actually have very weak hip and core muscles from sitting too much. This weakness places enormous strain on the spine and sciatic nerve. Always check with your physical therapist first, before starting an exercise program, to ensure you do the right exercises, the correct way. 3. Limit your sitting and change positions frequently - When you are suffering with back pain or sciatica the key is to change positions from sitting to standing, to lying down frequently. Your muscles are used in different ways, when in different positions. Give them a break by getting up from your chair and moving at least every 20-30 minutes. If your back is bothering you, then try to lie on your back or side with a pillow under your legs or between your knees. 4. Improve your posture - Posture is one of the long-term problems with back pain and sciatica. Your body is fighting gravity 24 hours a day. How you sit, stand, walk, bend and reach can make all the difference on the daily strain you place on your back. Our physical therapists are the experts in restoring your natural posture and teaching you the techniques by which you can keep your back working at its best. You now have unique knowledge that most people suffering with back or sciatica pain, never know about. It doesn’t take advanced surgery or medication to fix sciatica, just the right knowledge of how to restore natural body movement. The right physical therapy experts make that happen. Everybody’s condition is unique, so take a minute to call us today and speak with one of our experts

for a complimentary phone consultation about your problem. After all, the relief you have been searching for, can be a few simple answers away! Fit 4 Life Can Help You Maintain A Healthy Spine, Naturally!

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17419 Bridge Hill Court Tampa, FL, 33647 P: (813) 907-7879

DO I NEED A PRESCRIPTION TO START PHYSICAL THERAPY? No, you don’t. Although we see many patients sent directly by their physician, in the state of Florida, a licensed physical therapist may begin the physical therapy process by performing a full physical therapy evaluation. We will verify benefits for you so that you can get started right away.

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