ix f j y m m
Dr. Arthur F. Glasser Director Overseas Missionary Fellowship Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Dr. Herman A. Hoyt President Grace Theological Seminary Winona Lake, Indiana
Dr. David D. Allen Pastor Calvary Baptist Church Hazel Park, Michigan
Dr. Curtis R. Nims Bible Conference Speaker Santa Barbara, California
Dr. Ronald A. Ward Bible Conference Speaker Pastor, Suffolk, England
Dr. Stuart Briscoe Bible Conference Speaker Capemwray Missionary Fellowship Torchbearers North Lancashire, England
Dr. W. Herschel Ford Bible Conference Speaker
Dr. Douglas B. MacCorkle President Philadelphia College of Bible Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Dr. Robert B. Thieme, Jr. Pastor
Dr. Charles L. Feinberg Dean Talbot Theological Seminary
Dallas, Texas
Berachah Church Houston, Texas
J A N U A R Y 31 -FEBRU ARY 5, 1965 Six great days of spiritual refreshment under the ministry of outstanding
Bible Conference Speakers from across America and abroad. “ FOREVER . . . O Lord, Thy Word is settled in Heaven . .
Psalm 119:89
MANHATTAN BEACH Community Baptist Church Artesia & Prospect Dr. Russell Jones, Pastor Phone: 379-5459
NORTHRIDGE Valley Bible Church 8212 Louise Avenue William J. Kerr, Interim-Pastor Phone: Dl 2-7850 ONTARIO Temple Baptist Church 224 West California Boulevard Rev. Walter W. Scott, Pastor Phone: Code 714 — YU 4-7711 SAN GABRIEL Union Church Pine at Las Tunas Dr. Joseph Hemphill, Pastor Phone: CU 3-1744 TORRANCE First Baptist Church 2118 Carson Street Rev. Robert H. Coburn, Pastor Phone: FA 8-5030
Dr. Louis T. Talbot Chancellor The Bible Insfitute of Los Angeles, Inc.
DOWNEY First Baptist Church 8348 Third Street Dr. Milton C. Gould, Pastor Phone: WA 3-1261 LONG BEACH First Baptist Church 1000 Pine Avenue Dr. Frank Kepner, Pastor Phone: HE 2-8447 NORTH LONG BEACH Brethren Church 61st and Orange Dr. George O. Peek, Pastor Phone: GA 3-5431
Sessions on Sundays at the regular service hours. Sessions nightly at 7:30 P.M. Biola Campus Auditorium 13800 Biola Ave. Week Nights Only For detailed information regarding speakers scheduled, call the church offices» or Biola Extension. Department, MA. 5-1641.
Dr. Samuel H. Sutherland President The Bible Institute o f Los Angeles, Inc.
T h e K i n g s B u s i n e s A PUBLICATION OF THE BIBLE INSTITUTE OF LOS ANGELES, INCORPORATED Louis T. Talbot, Chancellor • S. H. Sutherland, President • Ray A. Myers, Board Chairman J A N U A R Y , in the year of our Lord Voi. 56, No. 1 Nineteen Hundred and Sixty-five Established 1910 Dedicated to the spiritual development of the Christian home Met There ' is no better Bible than a Cambridge Bible Camdricfq Bityfes
S U R V E Y 1965: T H E N E W M O R A L IT Y — Charles A rthur W orm sley 8 1965 C H A R T E R FOR W O R L D E V A N G E L IS M .............................. 10 FO R T H E N E W Y E A R — A SE V EN M IN U T E RESO V E ................. 12 H O W T O O V E R C O M E S P IR IT U A L P O V E R T Y — Douglas C. Hartley 14 W A L K IN G W IT H GO D — Vance Havner .................................... 16 T H E M O V IE S A N D C H R IS T IA N S — Joyce Landorf ..................... 18 Y O U R P R A Y E R LIFE IN 1965 — A C H R IS T IA N C L A S S IC ......... 20 A P R O T E ST A N T M A R Y — Herbert Henry Ehrenstein ................... 3 4 A N Y B O D Y FO R A SW E A T E R ? — | Sally Hawthorne ...................... 3 6 L E T 'S A B A N D O N V .B.S................................................................. 38 Fwk«a A M E S SA G E F R O M T H E E D IT O R — Samuel H. Sutherland ......... 6 C U L T S C R IT IQ U E — Betty Bruechert .......................................... 17 DR. T A L B O T 'S Q U E ST IO N B O X — Louis T. Talbot .................... 24 T A L K IN G IT O V E R — Clyde M . Narramore ................................ 2 6 P E R SO N A L E V A N G E L IS M — Benjamin W eiss .............................. 27 BO O K R E V IEW S — Arnold D. Ehlert .......................................... 28 SC IE N C E A N D T H E B IB L E — Bolton Davidheiser ........................ 31 U N D E R T H E P A R SO N A G E ROOF — Althea S. M iller .................. 35 C o i u m u PEOPLE IN T H E N E W S ..................................... ........................ 4 R E A D E R R E A C T IO N ....................................... 5 P R E SE N T IN G T H E M E S SA G E ........................................................ 25
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S. H. SUTHERLAND: Editor AL SANDERS: Managing Editor BETTY BRUECHERT: Copy Editor
PAUL SCHWEPKER: Controller JANE M. CLARK: Circulation Manager
VIRGINIA SCHWEPKER: Production Manager EDITORIAL BOARD: William Bynum, Bolton Davidheiser, Arnold D. Ehlert, Charles L Feinberg, James O. Henry, Martha S. Hooker
SUBSCRIPTION INFORMATION — "The King's Business" is published monthly. U.S., its possessions, and Canada, $3.00 one year; $1.50 six months, 30 cents, single copy. Clubs of three or more at special rates. Write for details. Foreign subscription 75 cents extra. It requires one month for a change of address to become effective. Please send both old REMITTANCES — Should be made by bank draft, express, or post office money order payable to "The King's Business/' and new addresses.
ADVERTISING — for information address the Advertising Manager, The King's Business, 558 South Hope Street, Los MANUSCRIPTS — "The King's Business" cannot accept responsibility for loss or damage to manuscripts mailed to us for Second-class postage paid at Los An- geles, California. Printed in U.S.A. by Church Press, Glendale, California, ADDRESS: The King's Business, 558 So. Hope St., Los Angele^lT« consideration. Angeles 17, California,
by Evangelist Paul J. Levin Write for samples needed to win souls. Tracts are appealing in color, art and printing. Ask for "Hi Jo, Whattoya Know?" and "Liberty." Act Now! BIBLE TRACTS, INC. Box 508-K Waterloo, Iowa
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Cumulative Index in every issue o f Arnold's Commentary in stantly locates the finest comments and study and teaching helps on every portion o f Scripture treated during the last four years in the International Uniform Sunday school lessons. Independent reviewers call Arnold's the most helpful commentary because it thor oughly relates Scrip ture to life. And
Dr. Clarence B. Hale, professor and chairman of foreign languages at Wheaton College, was honored as the Alumnus of the Year during the Homecoming of the college recently. He was recognized for distinguished service to alma mater where he has taught for more than 35 years. J. O. Sanders, general director of the China Inland Mission, has announced that membership of the Mission “ has now been thrown wide open to quali fied workers of any race or nation ality who are called of God to serve in countries of the Far East other than their own homelands. Similar privileges, opportunities, and stand ards will obtain for all members.” As of June 25, 1965, centenary of the work founded by J. Hudson Taylor, the old name of China Inland Mis sion will be officially dropped and the new name of Overseas Missionary Fellowship be adopted world-wide. Apart from the changes indicated, operation of the Mission will not be affected. Ronald Wldman, graduate of the Christian Education Department of Biola College, has been elected to serve on the five-man Board of Di rectors of the National Association of Directors of Christian Education. Mr. Widman’s responsibilities as Public Relations Director for the NADCE will include the publication of the quarterly NADCE Digest, plus the direction of all other publi city activities for the national or ganization. “NADCE is a fellowship of Directors of Christian Education from c o n s e r v a t i v e , evangelical churches across the nation,” says Mr. Widman. “ Through its annual Con vention, unique placement service, quarterly magazine, and the activi ties of local chapters in key cities all across the nation it seeks to raise the professional standing of its mem bers and encourage their personal growth in the areas of spiritual de velopment, a ca d em ic improvement and performance in their field of ministry.” Mr. William Scholten, who has served as an instructor at a teacher train ing school on a station called Ekoko which is near the town of Aketi in north Oriental Province of Congo with the Unevangelized Fields Mis sion, died at the age of 33, as a re sult of injuries received when mal treated by Congolese rebels. Mrs. Dorothy Scholten and the five children are reported to be in the town of Aketi With other UFM missionaries there.
Rev. Ian M. Hay has been appointed by the Sudan Interior Mission to the office of Home Director for North America. Mr. Hay and his family have served in Nigeria under SIM since 1952 where he has served as Field Secretary. He is presently in Nigeria, and will continue there for a few months before coming to North America to assume this new responsibilities. Dr. Walter H. Judd, former medical missionary and United States Con gressman, heads the list of speakers for the second international conven tion of the Christian Camp and Con ference Association to be held March 30-April 2, 1965 at Green Lake, Wis consin. Sharing the platform with Dr. Judd will be Mrs. Ethel Barrett, America’s beloved story lady; Dr. Robert Smith, professor, Bethel Col lege, St. Paul; Dr. Henry Brandt, psy chologist; and others. Further in formation may be obtained by writ ing CCA, 14312 Runnymede Street, Van Nuys, California. Harold L. Dunning, Director of Mis sionary Activities of Biola College, will include Dr. Eric Fife, Rev. James Cook, Dr. Kenneth Strachan, Dr. Dick Hillis, and tenor soloist Norman Nelson. Rev. Cook Dr. D. H. Burns, continuing a project of Cornell University, has been ap pointed Head of the Department of Linguistics at the University of Huamanga in Peru and Chairman of the National Committee on Quechua Literacy. The Committee has initi ated ' a new type of school program for the over five million Highland Quechuas, which is taught in both the native language and Spanish, the national language of Peru. Dr. Burns is a member of the Summer Insti tute of Linguistics and Wycliffe Bi ble Translators which, with the De partment of Education of Peru, al ready have established 154 of these “ Bilingual” schools in 21 of the In dian languages of the lowland jungle area, with 4,000 children currently enrolled. in fo rm s us that plans for the 36th Annual Missionary Conferehce at Biola are n e a r in g com pletion. This prom- ■ ises to be a chal- le n g in g spiritual experience f o r all who can .possibly a ttend . The Con ference p r o g ram
Arnold's keeps Christ central while doing so. An annual volume of Arnold's Commentary belongs at the finger tips o f every minister, Sunday school teach er, and serious stu dent o f the Bible. The price is low— only $2.50. Order an extra copy for your friend who also needs the kind o f help Arnold's gives in abundance.
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THE BIBLE'S INFLUENCE I ju st wanted to write a note to ex press my thanks fo r the article in the October issue written by a teenager, Judith Diane Claassen, “ The Bible’s Influence on the Modern World.” I do not think I have ever read a more in teresting article, and one that was so well put together. Mrs. Ernest S. Delvery, Pacific Grove, California IMMO RA L ITY A N D C OM M U N ISM Because o f the courageous and Bibli cal stand you take on immorality and Communism, I am renewing my sub scription to THE K ING ’S BUSINESS. So many Christians and churches to day fall in the category o f those who feel it is our business to proclaim the unsearchable riches o f Christ and fo r get political ideologies. Your editorial (“ An Editorial Policy,” September, 1964) encourages me and I know it will bring light to many fine Christians who have been misguided. Mrs. Russell Spees, Grand Rapids, Michigan TIE W ITH HOME W e have been herein Washington for ju st a short time, moving from Cali fornia to enter full-time Christian work for the Lord in Child Evangelism. Can you imagine how very pleased we were to receive THE K ING ’S BUSI NESS last month as a g ift subscription from a very dear friend? I read it from cover to cover enjoying every word o f it. It is a real tie with home fo r we lived in La Mirada ju st a few blocks from Biola. I want to thank you fo r a magazine that brings many bless ings to us. Mrs. B. J. Gremmel, Colfax, Washington CONCERN I have such a heavy heart. I am a housewife and mother o f three lovely boys. My husband is a good man but does not know Christ as his personal Saviour. I was raised in the Church of the Nazarene, but when we were mar ried my husband did not want to go to this church, so we joined another de nomination. I know now that this was the wrong thing to do. I am so con cerned because this church does not seem to know the full blessing o f Jesus Christ. Our minister says he doubts the V irgin Birth. Now, in our Sunday school class our teacher and the Sun day school quarterly made this state ment: “ God’s W ord is in the Bible, but the Bible is not God’s Word.” I ju st can’t see how anyone can make such a statement. I am so concerned. G. S. JANUARY, 1965
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a message from ■k the editor ^
HOW CAN THE JEW know CHRIST STIMULUS A Jewish man heard the witness from an A. M. F. Missionary in Florida. Patiently, with an open Bible the worker focused upon the need for peace in the human heart. Then pointing out some of the 333 prophecies about the Messiah, which were fulfilled in Jesus, he turned to Isaiah 53. RESPONSE The Jewish man read of the one who was “wounded for our transgressions” . . . and by whose stripes “we are healed." Amazed that this was not the New Testament, but his own Jewish prophet Isaiah, his preju dice was overcome. He found his own condition portrayed. Best of all he found the One upon whom the iniquity of all was laid. 365 days of the year by personal contact, by tracts, and by radio, A. M. F. missionar ies are reaching Jewish people with the message of salvation. Archie A. MacKinney, Director AMERICAN MESSIANIC FELLOWSHIP 7448 N. Damen Ave., Chicago 45, III. Retire . . . in Santa Barbara A n Evangelical Christian Retirement Residence IDEAL CLIMATE, UNSURPASSED BEAUTY COMPLETE FACILITIES, WITH HOSPITAL Trial Resident Plan SANTA BARBARA, CALIF. CEYLON and INDIA GENERAL MISSION and Pakistan Christian Fellowship W A N T E D R E C R U I T S for both India and Pakistan Member I.F.M.A. Write for Free literature 107-K N. Hale Street, Wheaton, III. 60187 Little Giant Hotomatic Gas Water Heater No. 3
I strangely interesting to note how theological here sies with slight variations have a habit o f reappearing in succeed ing generations. Actually there has been no new theological de velopment since the very early days o f church history. Immedi ately following the turn o f this century, a heresy known as modernism arose. Its advocates hailed this designation with a keen sense o f pride, claiming that they were presenting something "new” or "up-to-date” as distinguished from the historic ortho dox position o f the church. Anyone who was not a modernist was out o f date, antiquated, and not in touch with the times. Modernism, in its essence, is simply a denial o f the infallibility o f the Bible, denial o f belief in the virgin birth o f our Lord Jesus Christ, denial o f the miracles as recorded in the Word o f God, denial o f the atoning sacrifice o f Jesus Christ on Calvary’s cross, denial o f the resurrection o f Christ. The modernist (or liberal) begins by repudiating all o f the great historic truths o f the Chris tian church and then proceeds to build his own system o f philo sophical thought on the ash heaps o f his destructive efforts. O f course there is nothing at all modern about modernism. It is as old as the morning o f the resurrection o f our Lord and Saviour, when evil men tried to bribe the Roman guards, who were watch ing over the empty tomb, to admit that while they^slept on duty the disciples o f our Lord stole away His body. This was simply an effort to discredit and deny the actual resurrection o f our Lord and all that goes with this great doctrine. About 200 A.D., there arose one by the name o f Celsus. A man o f brilliant mind, he was an outstanding rationalist who had a most damaging influence upon the early church. Indeed, one modern church historian states concerning him: "He [Celsus] sums up all the objections both historical and philosophical which can be brought against the faith o f the church. Later philosophy has done no more than to restate the objections o f Celsus.” This is a tremendously significant statement. Within two hundred years after the founding o f Christianity, Celsus had assailed the whole Gospel history as utterly incredible. He condemned in a t i s i n d e e d
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wholesale manner the doctrines o f the incarnation, the atonement and indeed all special revelation. He was one o f the early ration alists holding that if there is a God, He is entirely apart from His creation, but indeed doubting that such- a God even exists. The doctrines which Celsus advanced are very widespread even to this day. These doctrines may be summed up in what is known to us as modernism or liberalism and, indeed in a modified form, it may be found in part at least in the various neos which have sprung into existence in later years. The objections which Celsus, the great opponent o f Chris tianity, raised were answered away back there in 200 A.D. Satan has no other heresies than those; he knows no other principles o f assault. He may use different methods, different emphases and different approaches through different spokesmen from time to time, but for the past 1800 year;s no new criticism o f Christianity has been raised. All is merely a “ re-hash” that is restated by each new generation o f skeptics and unbelievers. So it seems that each generation has to fight its own theologi cal battles. Human beings never seem to learn from the experi ences o f the past. The ranks o f present-day neo-orthodoxy and the new evangelicalism are composed o f those individuals who are not quite willing to accept the historic Scripture truths, but who feel that, somehow, they must contribute something slightly original and somewhat distinctive in order to be considered "thinkers.” It is most unfortunate indeed that this wicked pride creeps into the thinking o f otherwise devout men o f God who become ambitious to be known as intellectuals. On the other hand, they do not wish to be classified as outright heretics. So they try to cast a new slant on old truths, giving them a little different shade, a little different color and, alas, more than a little different meaning. We are hearing more and more today o f the old universal reconciliation doctrine which over the centuries has been repudi ated consistently by the church o f Jesus Christ but which is once again rearing its ugly head. Possibly one o f its most able exponents is the Secretary o f Evangelism o f the American Bap tist Convention, Dr. Jitsuo Morikawa. Speaking to a convention o f Southern Presbyterians, he stated recently, “ the redemption o f the world is not dependent upon the souls we win for Jesus Christ. . . . There cannot be individual salvation. . . . Salvation has more to do with the whole society than with the individual soul. . . . We must not be satisfied to win people one by one.” He states elsewhere, “ God has already won a mighty redemption for the entire world . . . the task o f the church is to tell all men that they already belong to Christ.” There are at least two variations o f this false doctrine o f Universalism: one that God is so good He would not condemn anyone to an eternal hell because men are essentially so good that, somehow, their good works will outweigh their evil deeds even in the worst cases, and thus all will be saved by their good works. The other variation o f this heretical (Continued on page 23)
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of Peace; a “ peace,” we are told, “ through under standing.” Here is the New Morality in dramatic action. WTiat is this New Morality? W ho knows, really? It’s almost like defining the word “ existentialism,” one o f the principal philosophies o f our day. No one has really been able to pinpoint and explain just what this term means either. Much o f what we do and say has no meaning, the existentialist tells us. This would all be good and true if it were not for the fact that these same existentialist thinkers are try in g to tell us that the world has no purpose and that man must use his feeble w ill to find purpose in a world without purpose. He must find reality in something, no matter what it is. So, the philosophy back o f the new morality stresses the need for purposeful decision in a world lacking purpose. In a way, this sounds almost like the paradox o f the Gospel, except that the man-made philosophy goes even further. Whatever is real to you is reality. You may fin d this reality in art, music, the dance, the theatre or other forms. You must express yourself in these things in order to find your own identity. In order to find yourself, you must throw aside the old ideas about life, sex and death. Escape from the yoke of the church and think for yourself! You are the most important thing in life and you must assert yourself. The New Morality says, in effect, “ Do as you please so long as you do not get hurt.” Sin is re jected. God is rejected. Man becomes the center of the universe which revolves about his whims. So, today young people do not know where to turn. Adults are confused. A ll day long we are confronted THE KING'S BUSINESS
n p H E R E IS A N EW TERM ABROAD TODAY t o d e s c r ib e t h e philosophy of today’s generation, the attitude o f mind characteristic of contemporary man as he looks out at the world of which he is a part. So ciologists have styled this attitude, “ The New Moral ity” because it represents so complete a break with what was generally known as “morality” in the past. This article is dedicated to an investigation of the New Morality. When we speak o f the New Morality, we are really talking about death. For, in the new look or freedom as some call it, we can only see death. Let’s face it! Man would like to build a new world with out God. He does not want Him to rule his life. He wants to be his own god and build his own utopia without God, the Bible or the church. Today, our civilization is organized in such a way that man can live without giving too much thought to God. Our great cities have crowded men together so as to give them a false sense o f security in their independence. The great buildings bar our sunsets and screen the sky. The bright lights of the streets have shut out the stars. Men’s laws have protected them from major harm and their welfare programs provide for the needs o f the creature. There is less and less poverty in our land at least. Men have set tled down to a round o f life that is, for the most part, so sheltered and protected that the majority feel no need o f God. God is gradually being erased from the thoughts and minds o f men. The New York W orld’s Fair is a prime example o f man’s puny attempt to build a heaven on earth, a peace on earth without the Prince
by signs o f this new decadent way o f thinking. Every one is living for himself. Everyone is trying to get ahead in the world at the expense of the other fellow. Man has said in his heart, “ I’m going to build a mountain! I’m going to build it high. I don’t know how I’ll build it, but I’ll build it some way. I’m going to build m y own heaven and then I’ll make it a little hell.” The Bible tells us that “ to be carnally-minded is death; but to be spiritually-minded is life and peace” (Rom. 8 :6 ). The carnal mind of man would like to see this world through the eyes of this new morality. The truth is that this new morality is im-morality. Satan is behind the whole idea for it has brought with it sin and death. W e see in the wake o f the new morality lawlessness, riots, wildcat strikes, delin quency, a steady rise in crime and drug addiction. There is a sexual explosion, a letting down o f the bars, an increase in premarital intercourse, unfaithfulness in marriage, a rise in venereal disease and a tremen dous increase in homosexuality. Television; the comic strips and movies advertise the god o f sex. Rock ’n’ roll offers its suggestive bodily movements and lyrics. Laziness and indifference abound with de mands for shorter work-weeks and more coffee breaks. People do not want to do their jobs, but show a shiftlessness on the job, wasting time, stealing from their employers. Everywhere men are complaining about something or trying to sponge on the govern ment, sitting back and expecting to be provided for by government agencies and doles. W e are becoming a nation under mob rule; any time man is not pleased with something, he refuses to do anything, or bands together to make up a corps o f pickets to protest imagined injustices, lying down in the streets, block ing doorways, falling in front of steam-rollers, chain ing pickets together to obstruct work. If the worker doesn’t like his wages, he simply walks off the job. If people want a street light on a certain comer, they just push a baby carriage in front of a Mack truck. Lawlessness is rampant today. W e are rapidly resembling ancient Rome. Gibbon says in The Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire, that Rome fell under mob rule. Romans would yell in the streets about the palace o f Rome, “ More bread and more circuses!” And the government would give them more bread to fill their stomachs and put on
another circus in the arena to satisfy their lusts. Today, man wants more bread to fill his belly and belly-dances to fill his lust. In ancient Rome, as well as in Babylon before it, men had sex orgies and feasts. They would gorge themselves with food, then go out on the balcony, stick their fingers down their throats until they would vomit up the food, and go back to the dining room for more. Ugly? Cer tainly! But this is virtually a picture of our own, over-fed America. And, while we are eating, we are dying — digging our own graves with a knife and fork. In the so-called new moral outlook it is possible to see the look o f death, the look of lust, the look of selfishness, pride, perversion, fear, loneliness, the wild look, the foolish look, the carnal look. The car nal mind is enmity against God; it is not subject to the law of God, neither indeed can be. Men want answers to their problems but they do not want God. They w ill not have Him ruling over them because they want no other king but Caesar. And yet, while man reluctantly w ill render to Caesar the things which are Caesar’s, he w ill not render any thing to God. He has even tried to put God out o f the churches, for he does not want his children to hear the message of God. Long ago, God said through the prophet Amos, “ Behold, the days come, saith the Lord God, that I w ill send a famine in the land, not a famine o f bread, nor a thirst for water, but of hearing the words of the Lord: and they shall wander from sea to sea, and from the north even to the east, they shall ran to and fro to seek the word o f the Lord, and shall not find it. In that day shall the fair virgins and young men faint for thirst” (Amos 8:11-13). What men really need is the W ord of the Lord, something substantial to fill their souls. Yet, they will not listen to God’s W ord; w ill not hear it. They are trying to fill their souls through their bodies, trying to get away from themselves, trying to identify them selves through someone else or something else. But this cannot be done. Man can only identify himself through Jesus Christ, by acknowledging himself a sinner and then identifying himself with the cross of Christ where the Saviour died for sinners. The Bible says that in the last days “men shall be lovers o f their own selves, covetous, boasters, proud, blasphemers, disobedient to parents, unthankful, unholy, without natural affection, trace-breakers, false accusers, incontinent, fierce, despisers of those that are good, traitors, heady, highminded, lovers of pleasures more than lovers of God, having a form of godliness [this is modem theology] but denying the power thereof . . . ever learning and never able to come to the knowledge of the truth” (2 Tim. 3:2-7). Christ calls His own to forsake the New Morality, to have nothing to do with it. The holy standards of Christian morality and purity stand unchanged as a personal challenge to every child o f God. The carnal world knows no better; it is already under the sway of the evil one and eagerly delights in any new pre sentation of his deviltry. But God’s people must obey a higher call to a morality which honors Jesus Christ. For those who name the name of Christ, it is still of the highest importance that we be holy as the Lord our God is holy.
Rev. W ormsley is be lieved to be the only Negro Gospel Magi cian in the United States. F o r m e r l y a night-club entertain er in the field of magic, Mr. Worms ley now devotes his talents to serving the Lord. H e also fre quently fills pulpits for a Bible-teacrung and preaching minis try.
W ho CAN stand complacently beside a Shinto shrine or Buddhist temple and see thousands of Japanese, created for fellowship with God, give their worship and devotion to an object made with hands? Who can hold back the tears or anguish of heart when seeing a million people stand on the banks of the Ganges River in India, waiting for the chance to plunge in and “wash away their sins” ? These unhappy ones know the burden of sin, but they have never heard that Christ died to take away the sins of the world. The charter for world evangelization was issued on the highest authority of the universe by Jesus Christ, the risen Lord. He declared, “ All power [authority] is given unto me in heaven and in earth” (Matthew 28:18). His authority had been verified forty days earlier by His triumph over death and the powers of darkness. On that authority He based His command: “Go ye there fore, and teach all nations . . .” The invoking of author ity clearly indicates that world evangelization is God’s program and that He is vitally concerned in it. The redemption of mankind is God’s central activity, and He wants the evangelization o f men everywhere to be the central activity of His children. P rovision for M an ’ s R edemption The redemption of man cost God the highest possible price, but His love made Him willing to pay that price. “Ye were not redeemed with corruptible things, as sil ver and gold . . . but with the precious blood of Christ” (I Peter 1:18,19). God’s first step in the redemptive process was send ing His Son to be born of a woman, to live among men, to die on the cross, and to be raised from the dead. Luke tells us: “ It behoved Christ to suffer, and to rise from the dead the third day” (24:46). If man was to be redeemed, there was no other way. When Christ on the cross cried out, “ It is finished!” the work of redemption was accomplished. Nothing more could be added—nothing more needed to be added. But the responsibility committed to His followers is not finished. P roclamation of R edemption R equired The second necessary step is the proclamation of this message. In Luke 24:47 we read, “ And that repentance and remission of sins should be preached in his name among all nations.” Even as it was necessary that Christ die for the sins of men, so it is necessary that this message be pro claimed to them. Without the proclamation of redemp tion, the death of Christ would have been in vain. When men do not hear the message, there is a double loss: Christ is deprived of the fellowship of those for whom He shed His blood; and these undying souls, who should have learned of the possibility of forgiveness of sin, of reconciliation with God, and of eternal fellowship with Him, are doomed instead to eternal condemnation. Little wonder that Jesus affirms His absolute author ity as risen Lord when He gives His command. He re minds His disciples that obedience is not optional but obligatory. His glory and the welfare of souls are at stake. The disciples understood that authority of Christ. When He taught, He spoke with authority. He demon strated His authority over nature, over demons, and over death itself. His disciples also understood the imperative of the command. Peter said: “We cannot but speak the things which we have seen and heard” (Acts 4:20). Paul, who met the living Christ on the Damascus road and re ceived a commission to go to the Gentiles, declared: “ I
am debtor” (Romans 1 :14), and, “Necessity is laid upon me; yea, woe is unto me if I preach not the gospel!” (I Corinthians 9:16). P erishing M ultitudes Y et U nreached God is as much concerned about men now as He was in the days of the apostles, for “ the Lord is . . . not willing that any should perish, but that all should come to repentance” (II Peter 3 :9 ). Today, more than ever before, multitudes are per ishing. The world’s population is burgeoning, now hav ing passed the three-billion mark. The number of souls outside of Christ is more than two billion, eight-hun dred million. This vast throng is made up of individuals who, for the most part, have never heard, in any ade quate way, that Christ died to save them from eternal death. Likely the majority has never heard His name. P ossibility of A ccomplishment If it is true that world evangelism is God’s program and if He has committed this responsibility to His chil dren, then He must have provided adequate means for its accomplishment. Bear in mind that His command was issued before the days of printing presses, radio, and rapid transportation. If fulfillment of His command was possible then, how much more so now? It is said that, “ God’s commands are His enable ments.” Consider the means put at our disposal: 1) His Power. “ Ye shall receive power, after that the Holy Ghost is come upon you: and ye shall be wit nesses unto me . . . ” (Acts 1:8). The indwelling Spirit of God anoints the believer for witness and energizes the spoken Word of God to do its work in those who hear. 2) His Word. “ The Word of God is quick, and powerful, and sharper than any two-edged sword, piercing even to the dividing asunder of soul and spirit, and of the joints and marrow, and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart” (Hebrews 4:12). 3) Prayer for Laborers. Jesus was moved with compas sion on the multitudes scattered abroad as sheep without a shepherd and said to His disciples: “ The harvest truly is plenteous, but the labourers are few; pray ye therefore the Lord of the harvest, that he will send forth labourers into his harvest” (Matthew 9:37, 38). The Lord has set up this procedure for recruiting laborers, and He is to be implored to send them forth. 4) Prayer for Utterance. “ Praying always with all prayer and supplication in the Spirit, . . . for all saints; and for me, that utterance may be given unto me, that I may open my mouth boldly, to make known the mystery of the gospel” (Ephesians 6:18, 19). 5) His Presence. In the commission given on the Mount of Olives, the Lord promised: “And, lo, I am with you alway, even unto the end of the world” (Mat thew 28:20). The disciples went forth to proclaim the message, the Lord working with them. Yes, world evangelization is of the greatest concern to God. It is the program that occupies His activity. Now it is man’s responsibility to carry it forward. Do we, who have inescapable responsibility, give evi dence of burden and concern for the souls of men ? “Shall we, whose souls are lighted
With wisdom from on high, Shall we to men benighted The lamp of life deny? Salvation! 0 salvation! The joyful sound proclaim, Till earth’s remotest nation Has learned Messiah’s name.’’
—R eginald H eber
T he intimacy of communion with Christ must be recaptured in the morning quiet time. Call it what you want . . . the quiet time, personal devotions, the morning watch, or individual worship . . . these holy minutes at the start of each day explain the inner secret of Christianity. It’s the golden thread that ties every great man of God together . . . from Moses
to David Livingstone .. . Amos to Billy Graham . . . rich and poor . . . businessmen and military personnel. Every man who ever became somebody for God had this at the core of his priorities . . . time alone with God! It was in 1882 on the campus of Cambridge Univer sity that the world was first given the slogan: “ Remember the Morning Watch.”
book, start John’s Gospel. By now you’ll want to go ahead and read the entire New Testament in the coming year. After God has spoken through His Book, then speak to Him . . . in prayer. You now have two and a half min utes left for fellowship with Him in four areas of prayer that form the acrostic ACTS. Adoration. This is the purest kind of prayer because it’s all for God . . . nothing in it for you. You don’t barge into the presence of Queen Elizabeth. You begin with the proper salutation. So with God . . . worship Him. Tell the Lord that you love Him. Reflect on His greatness . . . His power . . . His majesty and sover eignty ! Confession follows. Having seen Him you now want to be sure every sin is cleansed and forsaken. Confes sion comes from a root word meaning “to agree together with.” Apply this to prayer. It means to agree with God. Something happened yesterday I called a slight exag geration . . . God calls it a lie! I call it strong language .. . God calls it swearing. I call it telling the truth about somebody in the church . . . God calls it gossip. “ If I regard iniquity in my heart, the Lord will not hear me” Psalm 66:18. Thanksgiving. The melting warmth of gratitude. Think of several specific things to thank God for. How about your family . . . your business . . . your church and ministry responsibilities . . . thank Him for even tight places. “ In every thing give thanks: for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you” (I Thessa- lonians 5:18). Supplication. “ To ask for, earnestly and humbly.” Ask for others . . . then for yourSelf. This is the part of your prayer life where you make your petitions known to Him. Why not include other people from around the world, such as missionaries, students studying abroad, friends in distant places, and above all . . . the nationals of many lands who have yet to hear about Jesus Christ? Let’s put these 7 minutes together for the plan: Prayer for guidance, Psalm 143:8.......... Vfe Reading of the Bible, Psalm 119:18........ 4 Prayer ........................................................ 2% Adoration, I Chronicles 29:11 Confession, I John 1:9 Thanksgiving, Epehsians 5:20 Supplication, Matthew 7 :7 .............................. 7 min. This is not a fetish, but a guide. Very soon you will discover that it is impossible to do it in 7 minutes. An amazing thing . . . 7 minutes becomes 20, and it’s not long before you’re spending 30 golden minutes with Him. Do not become devoted to the habit, but to the Saviour. Not because other men are doing it . . . not as a spiritless duty every morning . . . nor merely as an end in itself . . . but will you covenant with God right now to guard, nourish and maintain your Morning Watch of 7 minutes . . . thereby practicing the presence of God in devotions and establishing a steady walk with Him throughout the seven days of the week? Every man who aspires to top performance is willing to accept suggestions for constructive changes. Your answer to these three questions will give you some indi cation of your present need: 1. What caliber of man am I alone with God? 2. Am I living in solitude what I profess in public? 3. Is my service for Christ an overflow, or just a cover-over to give an appearance of spirituality ? “Rising early in the morning long before daylight, [Jesus] left and went out to a lonely spot and prayed there” (Mark 1:35 Berkeley).
Students like Hooper and Thornton found their days “ loaded” with studies, lectures, games, and bull ses sions. Enthusiasm and activity were the order of the day. These dedicated men soon discovered a flaw in their spiritual armor. A small crack, if not soon closed, would bring disaster. They sought for an answer and came up with a scheme . . . the Morning Watch. “ The plan of spending the first minutes of a new day alone with God in prayer and reading the Bible.” It sealed the crack. It enshrined a truth so often obscured by the pressure of ceaseless activity that it needs daily rediscovery. The idea caught fire. “ A remarkable period of re ligious blessing” followed that culminated in the depar ture of the Cambridge Seven for missionary service . . . that band of prominent athletes and men of wealth and education who gave up everything to go out to China for Christ. But these men found that getting out of bed in time for the Morning Watch was as difficult as it was vital. Thornton was determined to turn indolence into disci pline of desire. He invented an automatic, foolproof cure for laziness. It was a contraption set up by his bed: “The vibra tion of an alarm clo-.x set fishing tackle in motion, and the sheets, clipped to the line, moved swiftly into the air off the sleeper’s body.” Thornton wanted to get up to meet his God! David tells us in Psalm 57:7—“My heart is fixed, 0 God, my heart is fixed.” A fixed and established heart produces stability in life. Few men in the Christian community have this heart and life. One of the missing links has been a workable plan on how to begin and maintain a Morning Watch. I want to suggest that in order to get under way, you start with 7 minutes. Perhaps you could call it a daily 7-up. Five minutes may be too short—ten minutes for some men is a little too long at first. Are you willing to take 7 minutes every morning? Not five mornings out of seven . . . not six days out of seven . . . but seven days out of seven! Regularity that speaks to the Lord on this approach: “ Lord, I want to meet You the first thing in the morning for at least 7 minutes. Tomorrow when the alarm clock goes off at 5:45 a.m., I have a date with You.” “O Lord, in the morning Thou shalt hear my voice; in the morning I will set in order before Thee my prayer, and will look up” (Psalm 5:3 Berkeley). How do you spend these 7 minutes? After getting out of bed and taking care of your personal needs, you will want to find a quiet place and there with your Bible, you are in solitude . . . 7 minutes with God. Invest the first 30 seconds preparing your heart. Thank Him for the good night of sleep and the oppor tunities of this new day. “ Lord, cleanse my heart so You can speak to me through the holy Scriptures. Lord, open my heart. Lord, fill my heart. May my mind be alert, my soul active, and my heart warm. Enshroud me with Thy presence during this time. Amen.” Now take four minutes for the reading of the Bible. Your greatest need is to hear some word from God. Allow the Word to strike fire with your heart. Meet the Author! One of the Gospels is a good place to begin reading. Start with the book of Mark. Read consecu tively . . . word after word, chapter after chapter. Don’t race, but avoid stopping to do a Bible study on some word, thought, or theological problem which presents itself. This is Bible reading for the pure joy of reading and allowing God to speak. Perhaps just 20 verses . . . maybe a complete chapter. When you have finished that
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by Douglas C. Hartley
I F today ’ s C hristians are not all gloriously experi encing the fulness of the Holy Spirit, the lack does not lie with God. Quite possibly it will be found in one of four human sources: (1) Willful choice of a mundane existence; (2) spiritual laziness in claiming God’s most precious gift after salvation; (3) so much carnality within, that we remain “ children . . . carried away by every wind of doctrine”. (Eph. 4:14) ; (4) Lack of pro vision for systematic “ edifying of the body of Christ” for which pastors and teachers are given (v. 12). Whatever the cause, that the unimpeded operation of the Third Person of the Godhead in the lives of all the redeemed was to be as natural a result of the fin ished work of Christ on Calvary as the new birth itself, is clearly stated by Jesus, Luke 11:13 : “ If ye then, being; evil, know how to give good gifts unto your children: how much more shall your heavenly Father give the Holy Spirit to them that ask him?” And if this were not enough, our Lord promised, “ I will pray the Father, and he shall give you another Comforter, that he may abide with you forever” (John 14:16). How earnestly the prophets and other godly stal warts of the Old Testament desired God’s Spirit in all fulness! While they were always given His assurance that He would be with them in every service required, we are told in 1 Peter 1:10, 11 that the grace of a com plete, continuous filling of the Spirit should only come after the shedding of Christ’s blood for sinners of all time. How the Old Testament saints longed to be in our place of preferential blessing! From the prayers of Peter and John that the Samaritan Christians might receive the Holy Ghost (Acts 8:15), and Paul’s inquiry of the Ephesians, “ Have ye received the Holy Spirit since ye believed?” (Acts 19:2), it is obvious that our lack today is both unnatural and appalling in the sight of God. Possibly a brief look at what the Holy Spirit enabled Old Testament and early church saints to accomplish for the Lord, as they “ quit (themselves) like men” (1 Cor. 16:13), will create a real desire for Holy Spirit experi ence in these latter, momentous days when His dynamic power is so essential to restore the “ first works” of a largely apostate church : THE SPIRIT OF PROPHECY Like the Pharisees, all too often we are surprised, and secretly just a little disturbed, by the manner in which the Holy Spirit sometimes works. It was no dif ferent in Moses’ day. In Numbers, on his complaint of the burden of a lustful and ungrateful people, the Lord God commanded Moses to select seventy elders. He would take of the spirit Moses had and put it on them (v. 17). And “when the spirit rested upon them, they prophesied, and did not cease” (v. 25). 14
But two of the seventy, Eldad and Medad, did not go up to the Tabernacle with the people, but remained in the camp, no doubt to pray. “ And the spirit rested upon them, and they prophesied in the camp” (v. 26). God met them where they were! Whereupon a young man ran and told Moses. Joshua, Moses’ servant and later to succeed him, said: “My lord Moses, forbid them” (evidently they had not been authorized by the local assembly). “ And Moses said unto him, Enviest thou for my sake? Would God that all the Lord’s peo ple were prophets, and that the Lord would put His Spirit upon them” (vv. 28, 29). ALL GLORY TO GOD Evidently unsuspected by Joseph, God saw his great capacity for spiritual things, ordering his life even to permitting the hatred of his brethren, that he was sold into Egypt, the place where God could use him. Immediately he found favor and prospered. “ And his master saw that the Lord was with him, . . . and made all he did to prosper. And he left all that he had in Joseph’s hand” (Gen. 39:2, 3, 6). Wrongfully imprisoned, Joseph found the king’s butler and baker upset because none could interpret their dreams. Did Joseph immediately exclaim, “Why I can do that for you?” No! He asserted, “ Do not inter pretations belong to God?” When Pharoah also heard of Joseph and asked him to interpret a dream that all Egypt’s wisemen could not unfold, Joseph again wit nessed to the Spirit of God: “ It is not in me. God shall give Pharoah an answer of peace” (Gen. 41:16). FORGOTTEN VOWS AND LOST POWER Even the unpredictable Samson had God’s hand upon him. The angel of the Lord announced to his mother, hitherto barren, that he was to be born, would be a Nazarite from birth, and would “ begin to deliver Israel out of the hand of the Philistines” (Judges 13:3-5). “ And the child grew, and the Lord blessed him. And the Spirit of the Lord began to move him at times in the camp of Dan” (w . 24b, 25). Of Samson, Matthew Henry says, “When God gives blessing, He gives His Spirit to qualify for the bless ing. . . . The Spirit moved him . . . as the wind blows, when he listed, to show that what he did was not of himself, for then he could have done it at any time.” The Philistines came to fear Samson and sought to kill him, but because of God’s Spirit he always pre vailed, and he judged Israel in the days of the Philis tines twenty years. And then he met and sought to please an evil woman, rather than God. How subtle is the evil one, and how often we see mighty men of God shorn of His Spirit’s power, as Samson was. Like many another, Samson thought he
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