King's Business - 1965-01

MESSAGE FROM THE EDITOR (Continued from page 7)



Owatonna, Minnesota

"A College of Distinction" i t Spacious Campus ★ Sports i t Consecrated Faculty ★ Clubs ★ Choir Write Dr. Monroe Parker, President, for Catalog

doctrine is that men are sinful but that the death of Jesus Christ has atoned for all men and therefore all men will be saved ultimately and so the task of the church is simply to give them this bit of good news. They will be saved regardless of what they have believed or how they live. The blood of Jesus Christ cleanses them from sin, irrespective of their own whims, fancies or de­ sires. This is, apparently, the view of Dr. Morikawa. It is unfortunate that the Ameri­ can Baptist Convention will even al­ low this sort of heresy within its ranks. But this theological quirk is to be found in other denominations as well. It is becoming more and more popular. Preachers preach it because people like to hear it, and people like to hear it because it is a type of doctrine which enables them to enjoy the pleasures of sin for a season and at the same time to be­ lieve that all is going to be well with their souls ultimately. On the other hand, the true minis­ ter of Jesus Christ is called to pro­ claim the true Gospel. He must tell men and women truths they may not like to hear, such as the fact that salvation comes only through faith in the Lord Jesus Christ and that if a person chooses to go his own sin­ ful way, the eternal destiny which awaits him is that place eternally apart from God and all that is good, truly called hell. But the faithful minister of Christ likewise has glo­ rious tidings to tell of a glorious future awaiting every individual who puts his trust in the Lord Jesus Christ; who is thereby saved from sin and assured a place, throughout all eternity, in the presence of the Lord and those believers in Him who have gone on before. May God give us strength and courage and patience to preach the unsearchable riches of Jesus Christ in these last days in the power of the Holy Spirit Him­ self! Nothing else will stem the tide of the new-old heresies which are inundating our civilization.

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