King's Business - 1965-01

FLANNELGRAPHS from GENESIS to REVELATION Make your talks dynamic, your teaching easier with Story-O-Graphs Bible Characters. REALISTIC, LIFE-LIKE DRAWINGS, full COLOR, •large size. 13 colorful hand painted backgrounds. Vis-U-Fold . . . Aluminum Telescopic Tripod and'fabric board folds into compact roll. Write for FREE folder and price list to: STORY-O-GRAPHS, P.0. Box 145-M, Dept. KB, Pasadena 16, Calif.

When writing advertisers— please mention THE KINO’S BUSINESS

L isten to me ,” he interrupted. Then he continued for several minutes to express his opinion about what had been said. A Christian friend had told him of the satisfac­ tion of being on right terms with God, and how his life had been changed by receiving Christ as his Saviour. Now it was his turn to talk. The Christian friend listened re­ spectfully. The man had a right to talk and tell his side of the story. He was a human being who had gone through real experiences in his life. He deserved to be heard. How could his friend understand him or the sit­ uation which had caused him to turn away from the Christian way of life, if he did not listen to him? Think of another scene. It was a hot day, and the path by which He had come was dusty and wearisome. He merely asked a woman for a drink of water. She had a chip on her shoulder. He was a Jew and she did not like Jews. Why should He ask her for a drink? Jesus permitted her to speak and tell her side of the ques­ tion. Several times during the con­ versation she interrupted about other matters. Jesus listened and an­ swered her. Patiently He permit­ ted her to open the way for answers which led her to the Spring of Liv­ ing Water, the Saviour, and she be­ came a believer. People have problems. They de­ serve to be heard. Like the woman of Samaria, they will open the way for the answer to the great problem of their lives, sin, ahd the remedy, the Saviour. It is not the purpose of anyone who speaks to another person about the Saviour to win an argument. The motive is to influence the unsaved person to consider the claims of Christ on his life and to make a per­ sonal decision to receive Him as Saviour and Lord. Listening is good communication. It is an important part of soul-win­ ning. Be ready to speak but also to listen. Listen to the Holy Spirit as well as to the other person. He will suggest an answer from the Word that will meet the need. Be sure to listen and then have an an­ swer.

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WHEATON Survivorship Annuities In a constantly-changing world, these Annuities bring you, or a surviving loved one, a fixed income—regular, generous— for life. This income is not altered nor subject to fluctuation as in many other forms o f investment. The Wheaton Annuity agreement is simple to execute; and there is no worry ever, about reinvestment. Currently, the larger portion o f this income is excluded from tax. PRO V IDES FO R LOVED ONES . . . Furthermore, at your homegoing, these same favorable features will be passed on automatically to your desig­ nated loved one without incurring costly delays or interference. Please keep in mind, too, that not once since 1898, when the first Wheaton Annuity was issued, has the College failed to make payment in full or on schedule. Under certain conditions, marketable securities and real estate may be ex­ changed for Annuities. W e would underscore still another investment consideration. While your money is profitably working for you, it is also working “ for Christ and H is Kingdom ” . Your gift-investment will be helping to train young men and women for Christian service—as pastors, teachers, evangelists, missionaries, and lay leadership in business, professional, civic and church life. WRITE TODAY FOR FREE BOOKLET . . . PLEASANT TOMORROWS It gives the complete story on Wheaton’s Single Life and Survivorship Annuities, and how the plan can be arranged to best suit your individual needs and circumstances. We’ll be happy to answer any questions you may have regarding annuities, gifts or wills. No obligation whatsoever. *For Christ and H is Kingdom ” Since 1860 - W H E A T O N W H E A T O N • C O L L E G E - IL LI NO IS Dept. K15

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