King's Business - 1965-01

the pattern of treatment doctrinally is the same for each, the book makes a fine work of comparative study. In case there was ambiguity in the lit­ erature of any cult, the author sought directly from its leaders material on the particular doctrine. An exten­ sive bibliography can direct students to the basic works on each.—447 pages; cloth; Wm. B. Eerdmans Pub­ lishing Co., Grand Rapids; $5.95. Revell's Guide to Christian Colleges— 1965-1966 edited by Marden L. Perry For the first time we now have a directory of Christian institutions of learning — Bible institutes, Bible colleges, and Christian universities. These are listed alphabetically by state, with a note as to type and population of the surrounding com­ munity. Size of student body, facul­ ty-student ratio, size of library, liv­ ing costs, type of accreditation, de­ grees and majors, dates and require­ ments for admission, etc.—these are the questions prospective students want answered, and parents wish to know before decision is made even to apply. All this and more this book supplies. All shades of Christianity are included. The book belongs in all public, church, and school libraries. Particular emphasis is given to those Christian qualities which make each school unique. Parents could study is profitably if they have children of college age. — 160 pages; cloth; Fleming H. Revell Co., Westwood, N.J.; $4.95. BOO K EN D S_______ (A Review of Current Publications) THE MINISTERS MANUAL (DORANS) 1965 edi­ tion. 363 pages; cloth; Harper & Row, New York; $3.95. The standard yearbook for the pastor, in­ cluding much data to which constant reference must be made regarding the church year, together with many suggestions for special day programs, sermon topics, etc. An extensive index adds to its value. THE DOUGLASS SUNDAY SCHOOL LESSONS, 1965, by Earl L. Douglass. 475 pages; cloth; The Macmillan Co., New York; $3.50. commentary on the International Sunday School Lessons, Uniform Series, including audio-visual aids, lessons plans, and hints to teachers. THE CHRISTIAN YEAR: Sermons o f the Fathers. Vol. 1, from Advent to Pentecost. Com­ piled and edited by George W. Forell. 349 pages; cloth; Thomas Nelson & Sons, New York; $6.50. For each of the Sundays o f the year three or four selections from famous preachers through the centuries are given. The material is rich and con­ centrated. Since the average pastor has little acquaintance with the earlier fathers, this book would help to fill that gap. THE MAGNIFICENT PROMISE, A FRESH VIEW OF THE BEATITUDES— FROM THE CROSS by Sherwood Eliot Wirt. 129 pages; cloth; Moody Press, Chicago; $2.75. "The opening verses cf the Sermon on the Mount, known as the Beati­ tudes, are sometimes taken to be simply descrip­ tions o f the 'ideal' life, a life of good character and good conduct to which we should all aspire. Yet everything Jesus said was colored by His sense o f personal mission on behalf o f mankind, which issued ultimately in His vicarious sacrifice on the Cross" (from the Preface). This statement sets the pattern and tenor o f the book.

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