King's Business - 1965-01

T H E L IV IN G W O R D O wondrous, all-compelling Word of God! So deep, so full of meaning to my soul; Which, as the Bread of Life, and Source of Life, Has quickened, satisfied, and made me whole. 0 comfort of His sacrificial blood! 1 take my stand for safety 'neath its flow; M y weight of sin would elsewise prove too great. And heart and flesh would fail me, as I go. O hallowed sense of cleansing, and of rest! When on the merits of His blood I stand; Not all the powers of earth and hell combined Can wrest me from Christ's strong, protecting Hand. Dear Lord, the Living Word Thou art indeed! And as of old, beside blue Galilee, Thy loving, healing presence still has power To bless and keep Thine own, where'er they be. — 'Alice Maude Carvel I A N D HE SAITH, "FOLLOW M E " "The cross awaits m e"? Yes, I knew, knew. "T h e night Is dark"? But He is near. "The path Is rough"? His arm up­ holds. " I cannot see"? But I can hear, And where He leads I follow on; He calls me, and I may not stay; His strength is mine through all the days; His light Is sown along my way. I know not where that way shall lead; It matters not, so He shall guide, So only, when the tempests come, I feel His presence at my side. When skies are bright above my head, When smiling eyes with tears grow dim, Through smiles or tears His peace Is mine; 'T is joy enough to follow Him. O loved Redeemer, loving Lord! . I hear Thy voice; it calleth me Through joy and grief, through toil and pain, To rest beyond the stormy sea; O'er mount and valley, plain and stream, Unto the place where I would be, Unto the heaven where Thou hast gone, I follow Thee— I follow Thee.


by A. B. Simpson “Our eternal security is pledged by God’s providence and promise. ‘Who shall separate us from the love of Christ?’ Then comes the triumphant answer, after all possible obstacles and enemies have been mentioned one by one, ‘Nay, in all these things we are more than conquerors through Him that loved us.’ Our trials will be turned to our helps; our enemies will be taken prisoners and made to fight our battles. Like the weights on a clock, which keep it going, our very difficulties will prove incentives to faith and prayer, and occasions for God’s becoming more real to us. “Not only will we escape from those who attack us, but their very attack will become an unspeakable R E V E L A T IO N Warren F. Cook If all my days were summer, could I know The meaning of my Lord's "made white as snow "? If all my hours were joyous, could I say, "In His fair land, all tears are wiped away"? If I were never weary, could I keep Close to my heart, "H e gives His loved ones sleep"? Were no graves mine, could life eter­ nal seem Anything to me, but baseless dream? M y winters, my tears, and my weari- ness Even, my graves, reveal His blessed­ ness. I call them ills, yet at rare times I see That all is love which brings my Lord to me. benefit by making us stronger for the discipline, and leaving them weaker for the defeat. We shall get out of our troubles not only deliver­ ance, but triumph, and in all these things be even more than conquerors through Him that loved us. “Our security depends not upon our unchanging love but upon the love of God in Christ Jesus toward us. It is not the clinging arm of the babe on the mother’s breast that keeps it from falling, but the stronger arms of the mother about it, which will never let it go. He has loved us with an ever­ lasting love; and although all else may change, yet He will never leave us nor forsake us.”

I Saw Petra Land Time Forgot Missing Missionaries My Life to Live Africa Awakes Red Terror in Malaya Teen to Teen

Land of Promise Heavens Declare Broken Fragments George Muller Story Crisis in Morality India's Sorrow Siam

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