King's Business - 1965-01

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A Protestant Mary

by Herbert Henry Ehrenstein

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[ T was inevitable , in our modern age of ecumenical dialogue, that

brethren,” we are expected to soft- pedal our differences and say they really do not, matter. Thus, it was inevitable, I say, that someone in Protestantism should write a book about Mary and how Protestants should look with adula­ tion upon her. Max Thurian, a Euro­ pean theologian, has produced such a volume called Mary, Mother of AU Christians. He writes that Mary should not be “ a cause of division” among Christians. The tendency to discount Mary’s importance and even to speak against her role, Dr. Thu­ rian says, is a relatively recent atti­ tude. Obviously, he forgets that Jesus Himself rebuked Mary for assuming a r o le too important for herself. Besides, the early Church gave Mary no place of special importance. She was one of the members, that’s all. Dr. Thurian feels that Mary played an important part in redemption in that she transmitted the living Word of God to mankind. This is true; she was the mother of the humanity of Jesus and for this she deserves our respect. But she had nothing what­ ever to do with the fact that God became man besides being the vehicle of the Incarnation. The plan o f the Incarnation was of God — not God plus Mary. Mary herself — were she alive today — would be shocked to see how she has been exalted and glorified. She thought of herself only as a handmaid of the Lord—nothing more. Particularly disturbing to bibli­ cally-oriented Protestants is the syl­ logistic concept of Mary as mother of God. It runs this way: “ Mary was the mother o f Jesus. Jesus was God. Mary was the mother of God.” But this is extremely faulty logic in that it fails to take into cognizance one very important factor: Jesus was God, but He was also Man! He had a two-fold nature. Mary had nothing to do with -the birth of God — only God’s humanity. God never was born. He eternally existed. Yet, Mary is eulogized out of all proportion with rosaries, novenas, intercessions and prayers. If the present trend continues, we may fully expect shortly a book by an ecumenical Protestant on why Protestants should accept the mass . . . the confessional . . . prayers for the dead and all the other unbiblical camouflage of Rome. In the book of Revelation, Chapter 17, there is a church dominated by a politically- shrewd Catholicism with a decadent Protestantism as a mere pawn.

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such a way as to virtually agree with the Catholic position. There are those, within Protes­ tantism, who are determined at all costs to merge Protestantism and Catholicism. The game is known as “ the reunion of the Church.” To do this, obviously, there will have to be some serious compromise. Either Protestants will have to relinquish some of their basic Biblical beliefs or the Roman Catholic church will have to repudiate some of its claims. I’m sure you know who will do the re­ linquishing — and it won’t be Rome. Besides, many o f the Protestant ecu­ menical enthusiasts have long since questioned or discarded many of the significant beliefs which might be a hindrance to Church union. I frankly believe it is a tragedy that much o f what the great Reform­ ers stood for — and it cost them dearly! — some contemporary ecu­ menically-minded chu rchm en a re willing to pour down the drain just so they might have the glory of a united Church with all the pomp and ceremony which go with that. One of the basic areas of division between Catholics and Protestants has always been the Catholic exalta­ tion of the Virgin Mary. Catholics have three types of homage or rever­ ence they offer to holy beings. There is Latvia — the supreme religious worship which belongs to God only, or to images of the sacred heart, the crucifix and relics connected with God or Jesus. Second, there is Dulia —the rever­ ence and homage given to saints and angels. And then there is the Virgin Mary. She is set apart in a special class and receives Hyper-Dulia — homage to a being holier than any angel or saint, but not as holy as God. Theoretically, these distinctions exist; actually, in the mind of the ordinary Catholic layman, they do not. Mary is worshipped as God’s mother. Indeed, some books and writ­ ings of Roman Catholic authors en­ courage this exceptional adoration of Mary. Protestants have rebelled against this creature-worship as unbiblical and it has been a serious bone of contention betw een Catholics and Protestants for centuries. Now, of course, since we’re supposed to “come home to Rome” as good “ separated

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