King's Business - 1965-01

Classified Ads 15 CENTS PER WORD — MINIMUM $3.00 Bibles and Books Scofield Bible — Retail and Wholesale — All Editions — Fresh Stock — Gold Stamping — Thumb Index — Fowler's Christian Book Store, 113 Main Street, Hamburg, New York 14075. RELIGIOUS BOOKS PURCHASED — Any size library. Send list, or write for details. Baker Book House, Dept. KB, Grand Rapids 6, Michigan. Bibles Rebound Write for illustrated price list from Nation's largest Bible rebinding specialists. Work Guaran­ teed. Norris Bookbinding Co., 122 Stone, Green­ wood, Mississippi. Help Wanted Large Rescue Mission needs additional staff workers. Single or married. Board, room, com- pensation. Write P.O. Box 202, Seattle 11, Wash. Music Correct and singable hymn music, composed, ar­ ranged, edited and printed. Folders free. Ray­ mond Iden (KB), Mount Vernon, Ohio. HERE'S THE ANSWER is the title of one of Amer­ ica's most effective soul winning booklets con­ taining God's Plan o f Salvation — Selected Scrip­ tures — Suggestions for Christian Living — and Four Soul-reaching Hymns. Used worldwide by Christian workers o f various denominations in the ministiy of soul winning. You too can be a "SOUL WINNER/' Order a supply today: 15 for $1.00; 100 for $5.00; Sample Copies 10c. Christian Evan­ gelical Association, Box 528, Port Angeles, Washington 98362. Abraham. N. Willems Expository Bible Teaching applied to practical Christian living. Special mes­ sages: School assemblies, men's groups, youth groups. Inquiries invited. Write to P.O. Box 5000, Salem, Oregon 97304. Reach Children!

Let’s Abandon V.B.S. I don ’ t want a Vacation Bible School in my church. That’s final. The very idea! What good would it do?

6 pagai — 3 colon 5 0 fo r $ 1 .0 0 pottpoM 1000 far $17.54 paatpaM C H U R C H F R I S S Bax SSI filandaia, California



“ But if I approve the idea of a VBS, they will surely ask me to help with the planning, teaching, or some other phase of the program. They just must not count on me to help. “ I wonder how Mrs. Loyal thinks she can help. Already she has diffi­ culty keeping her four little children clean and out of mischief. Mrs. De­ voted seemed very willing when she said she would help with the hand­ craft. With her arm still in a cast, she really has stamina and courage. With my children all gone and no physical handicaps, perhaps. . . . “ I’m not as busy as I thought. “ They said if I helped I would be joining nearly a half-million others who will be reaching more than five million boys and girls this summer. Say, I didn’t realize that VBS was so important. “And to think that I was against Vacation Bible School! Dear Father, forgive me for my wrong attitude toward Thy work. Help me to do my part so that other will come to know Thee; and that I might be strength­ ened by thi s experience. Thank Thee, Lord, for showing me my re­ sponsibility, for making me want to share in Thy concern for children, and for arousing by conscience. In Jesus’ name, Amen.”

TROUBLE i — a tract for i A BOYS AND J G IR L S ^ fl

“ I must admit there were many times- last summer when I wished the boys and girls of the neighbor­ hood did have something construc­ tive to occupy their attention. They were always saying, ‘There’s nothin’ to do.’ That might be true, but it’s not my responsibility to keep them busy. The juvenile judge did say at the last P TA meeting that the church, as well as the school, should provide planned activities for the children and teenagers during the summer. I guess t ho s e children should have something provided for them. VBS would keep them busy for at least two weeks. They said the entire family, Mom, Dad, and all the children, could participate. “ Even if it is good, it will cost too much. I just don’t see how I can spare any more from my budget. “ The judge did say that it takes $6.00 a day to keep a child in jail. I have to share that cost. Maybe it is more sensible to share the cost of VBS, for they said it amounts to less than $1.00 per child for the two weeks of constructive and wholesome activity.

See advertisement on opposite page

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