King's Business - 1965-01


Cumulative Index in every issue o f Arnold's Commentary in­ stantly locates the finest comments and study and teaching helps on every portion o f Scripture treated during the last four years in the International Uniform Sunday school lessons. Independent reviewers call Arnold's the most helpful commentary because it thor­ oughly relates Scrip­ ture to life. And

Dr. Clarence B. Hale, professor and chairman of foreign languages at Wheaton College, was honored as the Alumnus of the Year during the Homecoming of the college recently. He was recognized for distinguished service to alma mater where he has taught for more than 35 years. J. O. Sanders, general director of the China Inland Mission, has announced that membership of the Mission “ has now been thrown wide open to quali­ fied workers of any race or nation­ ality who are called of God to serve in countries of the Far East other than their own homelands. Similar privileges, opportunities, and stand­ ards will obtain for all members.” As of June 25, 1965, centenary of the work founded by J. Hudson Taylor, the old name of China Inland Mis­ sion will be officially dropped and the new name of Overseas Missionary Fellowship be adopted world-wide. Apart from the changes indicated, operation of the Mission will not be affected. Ronald Wldman, graduate of the Christian Education Department of Biola College, has been elected to serve on the five-man Board of Di­ rectors of the National Association of Directors of Christian Education. Mr. Widman’s responsibilities as Public Relations Director for the NADCE will include the publication of the quarterly NADCE Digest, plus the direction of all other publi­ city activities for the national or­ ganization. “NADCE is a fellowship of Directors of Christian Education from c o n s e r v a t i v e , evangelical churches across the nation,” says Mr. Widman. “ Through its annual Con­ vention, unique placement service, quarterly magazine, and the activi­ ties of local chapters in key cities all across the nation it seeks to raise the professional standing of its mem­ bers and encourage their personal growth in the areas of spiritual de­ velopment, a ca d em ic improvement and performance in their field of ministry.” Mr. William Scholten, who has served as an instructor at a teacher train­ ing school on a station called Ekoko which is near the town of Aketi in north Oriental Province of Congo with the Unevangelized Fields Mis­ sion, died at the age of 33, as a re­ sult of injuries received when mal­ treated by Congolese rebels. Mrs. Dorothy Scholten and the five children are reported to be in the town of Aketi With other UFM missionaries there.

Rev. Ian M. Hay has been appointed by the Sudan Interior Mission to the office of Home Director for North America. Mr. Hay and his family have served in Nigeria under SIM since 1952 where he has served as Field Secretary. He is presently in Nigeria, and will continue there for a few months before coming to North America to assume this new responsibilities. Dr. Walter H. Judd, former medical missionary and United States Con­ gressman, heads the list of speakers for the second international conven­ tion of the Christian Camp and Con­ ference Association to be held March 30-April 2, 1965 at Green Lake, Wis­ consin. Sharing the platform with Dr. Judd will be Mrs. Ethel Barrett, America’s beloved story lady; Dr. Robert Smith, professor, Bethel Col­ lege, St. Paul; Dr. Henry Brandt, psy­ chologist; and others. Further in­ formation may be obtained by writ­ ing CCA, 14312 Runnymede Street, Van Nuys, California. Harold L. Dunning, Director of Mis­ sionary Activities of Biola College, will include Dr. Eric Fife, Rev. James Cook, Dr. Kenneth Strachan, Dr. Dick Hillis, and tenor soloist Norman Nelson. Rev. Cook Dr. D. H. Burns, continuing a project of Cornell University, has been ap­ pointed Head of the Department of Linguistics at the University of Huamanga in Peru and Chairman of the National Committee on Quechua Literacy. The Committee has initi­ ated ' a new type of school program for the over five million Highland Quechuas, which is taught in both the native language and Spanish, the national language of Peru. Dr. Burns is a member of the Summer Insti­ tute of Linguistics and Wycliffe Bi­ ble Translators which, with the De­ partment of Education of Peru, al­ ready have established 154 of these “ Bilingual” schools in 21 of the In­ dian languages of the lowland jungle area, with 4,000 children currently enrolled. in fo rm s us that plans for the 36th Annual Missionary Conferehce at Biola are n e a r in g com­ pletion. This prom- ■ ises to be a chal- le n g in g spiritual experience f o r all who can .possibly a ttend . The Con­ ference p r o g ram

Arnold's keeps Christ central while doing so. An annual volume of Arnold's Commentary belongs at the finger­ tips o f every minister, Sunday school teach­ er, and serious stu­ dent o f the Bible. The price is low— only $2.50. Order an extra copy for your friend who also needs the kind o f help Arnold's gives in abundance.

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