King's Business - 1965-01



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THE BIBLE'S INFLUENCE I ju st wanted to write a note to ex­ press my thanks fo r the article in the October issue written by a teenager, Judith Diane Claassen, “ The Bible’s Influence on the Modern World.” I do not think I have ever read a more in­ teresting article, and one that was so well put together. Mrs. Ernest S. Delvery, Pacific Grove, California IMMO RA L ITY A N D C OM M U N ISM Because o f the courageous and Bibli­ cal stand you take on immorality and Communism, I am renewing my sub­ scription to THE K ING ’S BUSINESS. So many Christians and churches to­ day fall in the category o f those who feel it is our business to proclaim the unsearchable riches o f Christ and fo r ­ get political ideologies. Your editorial (“ An Editorial Policy,” September, 1964) encourages me and I know it will bring light to many fine Christians who have been misguided. Mrs. Russell Spees, Grand Rapids, Michigan TIE W ITH HOME W e have been herein Washington for ju st a short time, moving from Cali­ fornia to enter full-time Christian work for the Lord in Child Evangelism. Can you imagine how very pleased we were to receive THE K ING ’S BUSI­ NESS last month as a g ift subscription from a very dear friend? I read it from cover to cover enjoying every word o f it. It is a real tie with home fo r we lived in La Mirada ju st a few blocks from Biola. I want to thank you fo r a magazine that brings many bless­ ings to us. Mrs. B. J. Gremmel, Colfax, Washington CONCERN I have such a heavy heart. I am a housewife and mother o f three lovely boys. My husband is a good man but does not know Christ as his personal Saviour. I was raised in the Church of the Nazarene, but when we were mar­ ried my husband did not want to go to this church, so we joined another de­ nomination. I know now that this was the wrong thing to do. I am so con­ cerned because this church does not seem to know the full blessing o f Jesus Christ. Our minister says he doubts the V irgin Birth. Now, in our Sunday school class our teacher and the Sun­ day school quarterly made this state­ ment: “ God’s W ord is in the Bible, but the Bible is not God’s Word.” I ju st can’t see how anyone can make such a statement. I am so concerned. G. S. JANUARY, 1965


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