King's Business - 1965-01


of Peace; a “ peace,” we are told, “ through under­ standing.” Here is the New Morality in dramatic action. WTiat is this New Morality? W ho knows, really? It’s almost like defining the word “ existentialism,” one o f the principal philosophies o f our day. No one has really been able to pinpoint and explain just what this term means either. Much o f what we do and say has no meaning, the existentialist tells us. This would all be good and true if it were not for the fact that these same existentialist thinkers are try in g to tell us that the world has no purpose and that man must use his feeble w ill to find purpose in a world without purpose. He must find reality in something, no matter what it is. So, the philosophy back o f the new morality stresses the need for purposeful decision in a world lacking purpose. In a way, this sounds almost like the paradox o f the Gospel, except that the man-made philosophy goes even further. Whatever is real to you is reality. You may fin d this reality in art, music, the dance, the theatre or other forms. You must express yourself in these things in order to find your own identity. In order to find yourself, you must throw aside the old ideas about life, sex and death. Escape from the yoke of the church and think for yourself! You are the most important thing in life and you must assert yourself. The New Morality says, in effect, “ Do as you please so long as you do not get hurt.” Sin is re­ jected. God is rejected. Man becomes the center of the universe which revolves about his whims. So, today young people do not know where to turn. Adults are confused. A ll day long we are confronted THE KING'S BUSINESS

n p H E R E IS A N EW TERM ABROAD TODAY t o d e s c r ib e t h e philosophy of today’s generation, the attitude o f mind characteristic of contemporary man as he looks out at the world of which he is a part. So­ ciologists have styled this attitude, “ The New Moral­ ity” because it represents so complete a break with what was generally known as “morality” in the past. This article is dedicated to an investigation of the New Morality. When we speak o f the New Morality, we are really talking about death. For, in the new look or freedom as some call it, we can only see death. Let’s face it! Man would like to build a new world with­ out God. He does not want Him to rule his life. He wants to be his own god and build his own utopia without God, the Bible or the church. Today, our civilization is organized in such a way that man can live without giving too much thought to God. Our great cities have crowded men together so as to give them a false sense o f security in their independence. The great buildings bar our sunsets and screen the sky. The bright lights of the streets have shut out the stars. Men’s laws have protected them from major harm and their welfare programs provide for the needs o f the creature. There is less and less poverty in our land at least. Men have set­ tled down to a round o f life that is, for the most part, so sheltered and protected that the majority feel no need o f God. God is gradually being erased from the thoughts and minds o f men. The New York W orld’s Fair is a prime example o f man’s puny attempt to build a heaven on earth, a peace on earth without the Prince

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