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www. ap2u .com.au
Our Company
Meet Our Executive Team
All Power To You (AP2U) is a privately-owned company, established with a goal to service Bodies Corporate who wish to remain independent with their Embedded Utility Networks. We of fer Bodies Corporate and Developers alike the opportunity to create a cost-ef fective embedded network solution that allows Bodies Corporate to own their equipment , wi thout being locked into open-ended retail supply arrangements. Embedded Networks are the preferred choice for multi-tenanted development s, as Bodies Corporate can independent ly choose their retailer for the electr ici ty supply, in turn providing lower cost s to their occupant s. We are focused on providing an all - encompassing administrat ive and billing service for all utilities, including electricity, gas, air -conditioning and hot water on behalf of the Body Corporate. With the specialised knowledge and experience of our staf f, along with AP2U’s sole utility management focus, we are able to provide an unequalled service to Bodies Corporate. Why AP2U?
Jim brings over 25 years of both local and international experience in strata management.
Jim’s network of consultants, contractors, and partners assist in adding value to developers, bodies corporate, and customers alike.
Our dif ference is…
• We have the ability to buy direct and save • The specialised knowledge and experience of our staf f • Our sole utility management focus
Jacob br ings value to developer s , bodies cor por a t e , and cus t omer s t hr ough h i s many years of experience in both proper ty deve l opment and e l ec t r i ca l eng i neer i ng .
We work collaborat i vel y wi th Commi t tee’s ensur ing that the lowes t bulk rates are negot iated, ut i l i t y on - charge rates are set accurate l y and a l l informat ion regarding debt management is repor ted back to the Commi t tee promptly, with recommendations on suggested action. The benef i t of implementing a bulk supply model means the Body Corporate preserves its independence for the purchase of its utility energy requirements. This ultimately results in the lowest net cost of utility services.
Jacob’s bus i nes s acumen ensur es AP2U operates ef ficiently, while growing rapidly.
Embedded Networks Explained
Customer choice of electricity supplier
The Queensland Government have issued the following direction and explanation for residential customers in embedded networks.
You have the right to get your electricity (the kilowat t-hour component) from the site owner or from an authorized electricity retailer of your choice. Remember that if you get your electricity from a retailer, you may still have to pay the supply charge to the site owner or from an authorised electricity retailer of your choice. Just remember that if you get your electricity from a retailer, you may still have to pay the supply charge to the site owner. Regional Queensland customers can choose their own electricity retailer, but only if that retailer is willing to make an of fer. Power of choice: In Victor ia, New South Wales and South East Queensland, you have the right to purchase electricity from a licensed retailer of your choice. If you decide to change electricity retailer, the new retailer may require a new meter to be installed in your premises.
An embedded network is a small electricity system that distributes electricity exclusively to homes or businesses wi thin a speci f ic proper ty or area – for example, an apartment building. Embedded networks are supplied through a connection point (parent meter) to the wider distr ibut ion network (e.g. electr ici ty gr id). The operator of an embedded network buys electr ici ty in bulk and then on-sells the electr ici ty to each connection (premises) inside the embedded network.
In most cases, each occupant ’s consumpt ion is individually metered using a sub-meter.
The electricity distributor and the site owner are responsible for the supply of electricity to you (including the quality and reliability of the electricity supplied) and the connection of the residential complex or building to the distribution network. The site owner incurs distribution charges from the local distributor for connection to the grid for all customers in the embedded network . This external network cost is usually passed on to all the respective customer and is of ten referred to as a ‘supply charge’ or ‘network charge’ on your bill.
Your energy rights
Whether you buy your electrici ty from an authorised energy retailer or the site owner, you have access to a range of consumer protections. Remember, you are not locked into any agreement for electricity supply with the site owner and have the right to move to an electricity retailer if you want to. If you do sign a contact with a retailer you have 10 days to change your mind (the ‘cooling of f ’ period). If you’re not happy with your new retailer, you can go back to purchasing from your site owner. Just contact your retailer and site owner to make arrange- ments. Exit fees and early termination fees in Queensland are capped at $20. If you want to install a solar or bat tery system, you’ll need the permission of the site owner.
Utilities Billing & Administration
Included in AP2U’s annual administration and billing fee, charged for each utility under the Embedded Network , are a range of administration, billing and debt management services, as listed below:
Administration Services:
Billing Services:
• Rebate Management • Tarif f Management • Performance Reporting (Electricity) • Financial Reporting
• Meter Reading • Disconnection Warning Notices • Disconnection • Complaints Resolution • Final Account Debt Management • Debt Referral (External Recovery as approved by the Body Corporate) • Write-Of f Report
• Legislation & Governance • AER Exemption Lodgement • Fixed kWh rate
New Residential Developments
Installing an Embedded Network in your new residential development can add value to the Developer, body corporate, and residents. AP2U can advise ways to add value through an Embedded Network and assist with establishing an Embedded Network in your new development. New Retail/Commercial Billing Installing an Embedded Network in your new commercial of f ice development or retail centre can add value to the Developer, asset owner, and lessees. AP2U can advise ways to add value through an Embedded Network and assist with establishing an Embedded Network in your new commercial of f ice development or retail centre. Embedded Network (Brownf ield) Conversion Converting to an embedded network can of fer a body corporate f inancial benef its, through the control of their own electricity consumption prices and on-sell rates. AP2U can assist your Committee in assessing whether your building is suitable for a conversion and, if suitable, can provide a specialised proposal detailing the required process. If your body corporate is considering converting to an embedded network, our team would be delighted to help. Under the AP2U model, the embedded network is operated by the Body Corporate, with AP2U engaged by the body corporate to fulf il the administration and billing of the network on their behalf. In this capacity AP2U will work with bodies corporate to set appropriate on-sell rates, arrange for bulk supply tenders and administer occupier invoices for utility consumption each billing cycle.
Hot Water
Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning
For further information on our services, please visit www.ap2u.com.au
Electricity Pricing
All Power To You collaborates wi th Developers, Bodies Corporate, and Asset Owners to establish Embedded Networks with the goal of delivering value to residents, lessees, and occupiers. The Electrical Embedded Network is designed to provided end users wi th cheaper electr ici ty than they would be able to obtain from an Electricity Retailer. The table below compares the Electricity Tarif f and Daily Supply Charge of lots within AP2U managed Embedded Networks with lots purchasing electricity on market direct from an Electricity Retailer.
Developer Assistance
AP2U collaborates with Developers to review services’ design and provide value management oppor tunities. Of ten, these value management oppor tunities result in capital cost savings as well as improved dwelling specifications.
Electricity Provider/Manager
Electricity Tarif f ($/kWh + GST)
Supply Charge ($/day + GST)
Building Size
The table below provides a sample of instances where AP2U collaborated with the Developer to provide a capital cost saving.
> 200 Apartments South Brisbane 0.2170
> 200 Apartments South Brisbane 0.2083
Development Location
Capital Cost Saving (+GST)
< 50 Apartments Woolloongabba 0.2083
Services and Equipment
Development Size
Electricity and Instantaneous Hot Water Electricity and Instantaneous Hot Water Electricity and Instantaneous Hot Water Electricity and Centralised Hot Water Electricity and Centralised Hot Water
< 50 Apartments Hawthorne
Brisbane North
< 50 Townhouses
50-200 Apartments Newstead
Brisbane East
< 50 Townhouses
< 50 Apartments
Gold Coast
50-200 Apartments
Brisbane Inner City Brisbane Inner City
50-200 Apartments South Brisbane 0.1993
50-200 Apartments
Click Energy < 50 Apartments
50-200 Apartments
The daily supply charge will vary from $0.3000/day to $0.9999/day subject to:
1. The number of services provided to the development, 2. The frequency of the billing cycle, and 3. The method of equipment procurement and installation.
Developer Partners
Brisbane One 608 Lots Electricity, A/C, Centralised Gas Hot Water, Gas Cook Tops
The Melbourne Residences 180 Lots Electricity, A/C
R&F Property Australia Tel Number | Email Web Address
Abacus Property Tel Number | Email Web Address
Ivy and Eve Apartments 476 Lots Electricity, A/C
Haven Newstead 220 Lots Electricity
Catapult Property Group Tel Number | Email Web Address
Placeholder Tel Number | Email Web Address
Spice Apartments 274 Lots Electricity, A/C
Botanica 179 Lots Electricity, A/C
Placeholder Tel Number | Email Web Address
Placeholder Tel Number | Email Web Address
Brisbane 3/141 Campbell St Bowen Hills QLD 4006
Gold Coast 11/25 Harbour Village Parade, Coomera QLD 4209
Sunshine Coast 10b/51/55 Bullcock St
Caloundra QLD 4551
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