
Our Company

Meet Our Executive Team

All Power To You (AP2U) is a privately-owned company, established with a goal to service Bodies Corporate who wish to remain independent with their Embedded Utility Networks. We of fer Bodies Corporate and Developers alike the opportunity to create a cost-ef fective embedded network solution that allows Bodies Corporate to own their equipment , wi thout being locked into open-ended retail supply arrangements. Embedded Networks are the preferred choice for multi-tenanted development s, as Bodies Corporate can independent ly choose their retailer for the electr ici ty supply, in turn providing lower cost s to their occupant s. We are focused on providing an all - encompassing administrat ive and billing service for all utilities, including electricity, gas, air -conditioning and hot water on behalf of the Body Corporate. With the specialised knowledge and experience of our staf f, along with AP2U’s sole utility management focus, we are able to provide an unequalled service to Bodies Corporate.  Why AP2U?


Jim brings over 25 years of both local and international experience in strata management.

Jim’s network of consultants, contractors, and partners assist in adding value to developers, bodies corporate, and customers alike. 

Our dif ference is…


• We have the ability to buy direct and save • The specialised knowledge and experience of our staf f • Our sole utility management focus

Jacob br ings value to developer s , bodies cor por a t e , and cus t omer s t hr ough h i s many years of experience in both proper ty deve l opment and e l ec t r i ca l eng i neer i ng .

We work collaborat i vel y wi th Commi t tee’s ensur ing that the lowes t bulk rates are negot iated, ut i l i t y on - charge rates are set accurate l y and a l l informat ion regarding debt management is repor ted back to the Commi t tee promptly, with recommendations on suggested action.  The benef i t of implementing a bulk supply model means the Body Corporate preserves its independence for the purchase of its utility energy requirements. This ultimately results in the lowest net cost of utility services. 

Jacob’s bus i nes s acumen ensur es AP2U operates ef ficiently, while growing rapidly.



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