Utilities Billing & Administration
Included in AP2U’s annual administration and billing fee, charged for each utility under the Embedded Network , are a range of administration, billing and debt management services, as listed below:
Administration Services:
Billing Services:
• Rebate Management • Tarif f Management • Performance Reporting (Electricity) • Financial Reporting
• Meter Reading • Disconnection Warning Notices • Disconnection • Complaints Resolution • Final Account Debt Management • Debt Referral (External Recovery as approved by the Body Corporate) • Write-Of f Report
• Legislation & Governance • AER Exemption Lodgement • Fixed kWh rate
New Residential Developments
Installing an Embedded Network in your new residential development can add value to the Developer, body corporate, and residents. AP2U can advise ways to add value through an Embedded Network and assist with establishing an Embedded Network in your new development. New Retail/Commercial Billing Installing an Embedded Network in your new commercial of f ice development or retail centre can add value to the Developer, asset owner, and lessees. AP2U can advise ways to add value through an Embedded Network and assist with establishing an Embedded Network in your new commercial of f ice development or retail centre. Embedded Network (Brownf ield) Conversion Converting to an embedded network can of fer a body corporate f inancial benef its, through the control of their own electricity consumption prices and on-sell rates. AP2U can assist your Committee in assessing whether your building is suitable for a conversion and, if suitable, can provide a specialised proposal detailing the required process. If your body corporate is considering converting to an embedded network, our team would be delighted to help. Under the AP2U model, the embedded network is operated by the Body Corporate, with AP2U engaged by the body corporate to fulf il the administration and billing of the network on their behalf. In this capacity AP2U will work with bodies corporate to set appropriate on-sell rates, arrange for bulk supply tenders and administer occupier invoices for utility consumption each billing cycle.
Hot Water
Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning
For further information on our services, please visit www.ap2u.com.au
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