Journal Proposal to Grand Polemarch

Proposed Statutory Change

Original Language: Statute 25. Fraternity Publications Section 3. The Kappa Alpha Psi Journal shall be published in Winter, Spring, Summer and Fall or at such other times as may be determined at a Grand Chapter meeting. Proposed Language: Statute 25. Fraternity Publications Section 3. The Kappa Alpha Psi Journal shall be published in hard copy and/or in electronic form, in Winter, Spring, Summer and Fall or at such other times as may be determined at a Grand Chapter meeting. (new language is underlined) Rationale: We want to update the language to (1) avoid wasting resources as a result of outdated addresses remaining in the fraternity data base and (1) allow International Headquarters to remain in statutory compliance by converting brothers who have outdated addresses to electronic access. Benefits of the Change: The amendments allow for administrative flexibility to control costs. • 1. The supermajority of outdated addresses below to Life Members who do not have the same incentive to update their addresses as Annual Dues Paying Members. • 2. The Executive Director would automatically transfer outdated addresses onto the electronic version via IHQ in Good Standing “paywall”, thereby controlling costs. • 3. Gives brothers in Good Financial Standing the opportunity to opt into the electronic format only. • 4. allows the Journal staff to make recommendations to the Grand Board about future digital, real-time transitions on updates. • 5. Preserves the printed publication for those who prefer that medium. • 6. Maintains the Fraternity’s nonprofit publication rate through the United States Postal Service.


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