ICPF Continues (CONT’D FROM PAGE 27)
past week that her summer marketing & sales internship in corrugated packaging was cancelled due to COVID-19, she is now one of dozens still seeking a student six-week summer 2020 internship, virtual or otherwise, by utilizing ICPF’s career portal and corrugated career network. ICPF Awards And Donations Continue Though some deliveries have suffered minor delays during the pandemic, ICPF continues to provide equip- ment, grants and other assistance to its partner universi- ties. Recent equipment and financial awards have been provided or committed to Rutgers, Western Michigan Uni- versity, Millersville University, Indiana State, North Caroli- na State, University of Texas-Arlington, Cal Poly, Virginia Tech, and Lewis Clark State College. These ICPF award commitments have been subject to each university meet- ing annual goals that are tracked by both ICPF and ICPF’s independent auditor. Additional ICPF donations planned for 2020 include a TMI Medium Fluter and accessories at North Carolina State University, where ICPF placed a CAD table last year; 20 computers, 20 computer desks and chairs and a sti- pend for new adjunct packaging instructors at University
Serving the corrugated box industry since 1991, Chicago- based Corrugator Belt Service LLC maintains corru- gator belts for peak board quality and performance.
C.U.E., INC. www.Anvi lCovers.com
Makers of single and dual-width Timesaver® Anvil Covers, the premier urethane anvil cover for corrugated die cutting. Timesaver® covers feature a unique construction of solid steel backing and solid steel locking components to ensure a precise fit every time – a vital dependability difference that means seamless installation and a perfect cutting sur- face. C.U.E., Inc. also offers Dura-Latch and Cor-Lock anvil covers, in addition to urethane Lead Edge Feed Wheels.
EMBA www.embausa.com
The EMBA group supports a complete line of corrugated converting machinery for the worldwide market. EMBA’s Quick Set technology enables the highest productivity across a broad range of converting equipment, from mini to super jumbo. EMBA also includes the McKinley jumbo line of flexo folder gluers and rotary die cutters as well as ser- vice, rebuilds and upgrades for both EMBA and McKinley.
EAGLEWOOD TECHNOLOGIES, LLC www.eaglewoodtech.com
Eaglewood Technologies is the Anilox Roll Cleaning Ex- pert! We provide the award winning Sitexco Laser Systems, Sanilox™ Systems and Sani-Blast™ Mobile Service. All our systems are safe for the environment and provide proven tested results! Sitexco Laser Systems are the latest technol- ogy in anilox roll cleaning and are perfect for packaging and label printers. Sanilox™ Systems are the global standard of reliable, environmentally safe anilox roll cleaning.
of Texas-Arlington, where ICPF placed a large scale digital printer last year; and a TMI Sommerville Screen Disinte- grator at Cal Poly. The timing of these planned placements have been dependent on when faculty and students return to campus and the availability of some components from manufacturers that may not re-open until later this year. By the end of next year, ICPF will have provided over $13 million in donations of equipment and grants to uni- versities, and millions more in design software. Some of the elements of the most recent initiatives enabled by ICPF provided equipment, software and grant awards over the past three years include creation of three new corrugated packaging design labs; funding for additional corrugated faculty at four universities; introduction of sales and business into packaging courses; launch of corrugat- ed packaging curricula in two paper science engineering The Rutgers Packaging Engineering’s Design Lab was created through the donation of 50 seats of Impact designware that were provided to Rutgers by ICPF through a partnership with Arden Software.
ESKO www.esko.com
ArtiosCAD and Kongsberg are the most trusted names in CAD/CAM solutions. Esko’s ArtiosCAD is the most widely used CAD software in the world. Esko’s Kongsberg series of tables brings you reliable, outstanding quality for sample- making and short run production.
American manufacturers of split heads, patented roll- er-bearing yokes, gang-slot upgrades, custom rebuilds, and glue systems with electronically-geared speed monitoring. Visit our website for information, tips and techniques.
May 25, 2020
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