Semantron 2014

SapphoÊs extensive influence upon classical literature may be illustrated through her use of, and perhaps even introduction of, imagery depicting love as fire. 10 Whitman points out that, in HomerÊs Iliad, the imagery of fire was particularly associated with heroism. 11 Aware of this, Sappho is perhaps comparing the trials of a lover to HomerÊs labours of a hero. The connection of fire with love flourished throughout antiquity and was used by writers from Nonnus and Apollonius (especially in association with ErosÊ arrows) and to the Roman love poets, such as Ovid. 12

Following this short introduction, I shall now turn now to the texts themselves, and point out certain literary connections between Sappho and Virgil.

Firstly, SapphoÊs fragment 31 (lines 7-16) 13 :

ὠς γὰρ ἔς σ' ἴδω βρόχε', ὤς με φώναί- σ' οὐδ' ἒν ἔτ' εἴκει,

ἀλλά κὰμ μὲν γλῶσσα <μ'> †ἔ αγε†, λέπτον δ' αὔτικα χρῷ πῦρ ὐπαδεδρόμηκεν, ὀππάτεσσι δ' οὐδ' ἒν ὄρημμ', ἐπιρρόμ- βεισι δ' ἄκουαι,

κὰδ' δέ ἴδρως κακχέεται, τρόμος δὲ παῖσαν ἄγρει, χλωροτέρα δὲ ποίας ἔμμι, τεθνάκην δ' ὀλίγω 'πιδεύης φαίνομ' ἔμ' αὔτᾳ .

for when I look at you, even a moment, no speaking is left in me

no: tongue breaks and thin fire is racing under skin and in eyes no sight and drumming fills ears and cold sweat holds me and shaking grips me all, greener than grass I am and dead · or almost I seem to me.

Translated by Anne Carson (2002) 14

Secondly, the first two lines of The Aeneid, Book 4 are:

10 For example LP Fragments 31 and 48. 11 Whitman 1965 pages 128 - 147 12 The Theoi article on Eros points out Nonnus, Dionysiaca 7. 110 ff, 41. 399 ff, Apollonius Rhodius, Argonautica 3. 82 ff and Ovid Heroides 15. 166 ff 13 I use the Stoa Ancient Greek text. 14 All translations, unless stated otherwise (as here), are my own.


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