Semantron 2014

term political career. The consequences of attempting to pass a bill that would undoubtedly be branded by the media as the Âabolition of the health serviceÊ would force any politician from power. If Margret Thatcher, who had the strongest political position of any post war politicians, was forced from office over riots about the poll tax, it is utterly inconceivable that anyone could have the political position to implement such a change to the fabric of British society.

reduce the budget deficit which is the root of most of our countyÊs economic problems. Theoretically there are many ways in which it is easy to see imperfections within the health system, however if I was health secretary, I would be aware that proposing reform as radical as I have suggested in this essay would be political suicide. The British public are, probably rightly, suspicious of any change to what is an outstanding, if not totally economically efficient, healthcare system. Therefore, as long as no political miracle happens, the NHS as we know it is here to stay.

To conclude, the economist in me is calling for reform within the NHS, in order to


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