Four Moons Spa Menu


*Service enhancements do not extend the duration of your booked service and occur within the time scheduled.

ROCK MY WORLD Add onto to your 60, 75 or 90 min massage


Add onto to your 60, 75 or 90 min massage



Experience the rejuvenating power of a technique inspired by Shirodhara – an Ayurvedic healing practice that combines gentle head massage with the soothing drip of warm jasmine vanilla oil onto your forehead and scalp. This mindful process offers a wealth of benefits, including increased blood circulation, deep relaxation, toxin clearance, and stress relief. As an added bonus, you'll receive a take-home turban to lock in moisture and warmth, leaving you feeling rejuvenated and revitalized.

The ultimate relaxation experience with our hot stone massage. As the gentle heat from the stones permeates your skin, your blood vessels expand, promoting increased blood flow and circulation throughout your body. The localized warmth and comforting weight of the stones work wonders to relax your muscles, allowing our skilled massage therapist to apply deeper pressure to those areas in need, all without causing discomfort. From pain relief to stress reduction, increased joint flexibility to improved sleep, you'll emerge from your session feeling refreshed, rejuvenated, and ready to take on the world.

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