Four Moons Spa Menu



60 MIN, 75 MIN

Customized for your specific skin type using Organic Eminence products, which utilize the latest in plant technologies, this facial will purify, hydrate, brighten, tighten or soothe depending on your skin's specific needs.

The magic behind facial cupping has its roots in Traditional Chinese Medicine. These small cups, about half the size of regular body cupping cups, have been known to brighten, lighten, and tighten the skin—a delightful trio of benefits to enhance any facial experience.These powerful little cups use suction and a gentle gliding motion to increase circulation. This action boosts blood flow, enriching it with oxygen and nutrients, which helps repair the skin and may activate collagen production. Facial cupping creates a bright, smooth complexion, aids in lymphatic drainage, relaxes muscles, and tightens the face.

Booking your facial is your starting point, use our enhancement menu below to further customize it to meet your needs.

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