1. The Alkaline Diet helps maintain basic pH levels in your body. When pH levels are acidic, it is easier for your body to develop harmful ailments. By keepingpH levelsbasic (increasing theiralkalinity), thisdiet isable toprotect against such ailments. 2. The Alkaline Diet can improve your metabolism. Acidic foods are more difficultforyourbodytobreakdown thanalkalinefoods.Byconsumingfoods that are more easily digested, you can greatly improve your metabolism and burn carbs faster. 3.TheAlkalineDiet ishealthier!Simplyput, theAlkalineDiet isagreatway to promotehealthier lifestylechoices. Itencouragesan increasedconsumption offruits,vegetables,andotherplant-basedfoods,whilerestrictingprocessed foods, junkfoods,andalcohol. Ifyouare lookingforasimpleway to increase your health, the Alkaline Diet can greatly benefit you! Areyou lookingformorewaysto improveyourhealth? ContactLewyPhysical Therapy today to learn more about the Alkaline Diet and other ways you can adopt healthier lifestyles!
Have you heard of the Alkaline Diet? If not, it is basically the practice of replacing acidic foods with alkaline foods.
So, what’s the difference between these foods?
Acidic foods include red meat, poultry, fish, dairy, eggs, grains, and alcohol. Conversely, alkaline foods include fruits, nuts, legumes, and vegetables. Achieving an alkaline diet is as easy as substituting the acidic foods that many of us consume in our daily lives with alkaline foods. You may be wondering, “What are the benefits of adopting an alkaline diet? What exactly will this diet do for me?” Theseare fair questions. It isn’t easy to cut out popular parts of your current dietwithoutgoodreason.AtLewyPhysicalTherapy,wearestrongproponents for the Alkaline Diet – here’s why:
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