Iridium Spa Menu


KIDDY MASSAGE 60 minutes | USD 240 per child

HAPPY FAMILY 75 minutes | USD 260 per child

Gentle full body massage using virgin coconut oil leaves young VIP’s blissfully relaxed after island playtime.

Special treatment to build a stronger bond between you and your little ones, enjoy a 75-minute relaxing full body massage with chocolate face mask. MAGICAL MANICURE & PEDICURE 60 minutes | USD 220 per child A relaxing hand and foot massage with organic lavender lotion, paying special atten- tion to little toes and fingernails, then finish- ing off with a fresh coat of your favourite nail polish or nail art.

COCONUT PLUSH 45 minutes | USD 145 per child

A nourishing and rehydrating blend of freshly grated coconut and coconut milk powder to gently refine the texture of young skin. Followed by application of virgin coconut oil to end the treatment. BANANA SMOOTHIE WRAP 45 minutes | USD 145 per child Effectively restores moisture and repairs dry skin leaving little ones feeling sweet like a banana smoothie.

PEPPY FACIAL 30 minutes | USD 100 per child

Surrender to this invigorating facial treat- ment loaded with fresh avocado, honey and a yummy chocolate mask. A wonderful refreshing treatment perfect for after a day playing in the sun.

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