Iridium Spa Menu


MULADHARA 120 minutes | USD 400 per person The root chakra – is located at the base of the spine. The root chakra anchors the spirit to the material world and the body to earth. A balanced Muladhara increases our inner wisdom so that we can start to hear our body’s innate intelligence. It encourages us to attend to our need for nourishment, as well as enabling us to nourish others. Combining foot wash, frankincense smoke, singing bowls, a slow scrub and deep tissue massage with grounding vetiver, patchouli and jatamansi oils; this treatment calms body and mind, balances stress levels and creates a profound inner peace. SWADISTHANA 120 minutes | USD 400 per person The sacral chakra – is located in the lower abdomen. It is the centre of our emotions and desires and governs fertility, self-worth and creativity. It is also associated with emotional balance, desire and pleasure. This chakra helps us to ‘let go’ and find a healthy balance in life. When it is functioning well, Swadhisthana brings enhanced emotional gratification, higher self-esteem and free- flowing creative energy. The Swadhisthana journey includes a warm coconut oil pouring over the chakras, a salt body scrub and a tuberose milk bath. This is then followed by a connected and restorative body massage and a hormone-balancing adaptogenic abdomen wrap. Using the oils of jasmine, rose geranium and patchouli - happiness is renewed and the desire for life and love is reinvigorated.

MANIPURA 120 minutes | USD 400 per person The navel chakra - is located in the solar plexus. It is our centre of health and vitality and governs our capacity to grow and develop. A healthy third chakra exhibits energetic vitality. It gives us a firm grasp of who we are, filling us with personal power and enabling us to take on challenges, undergo risks, and dispel negative energies. This elevating journey floods the body with vital energy and inner warmth. An energizing body scrub, bio- energy mud wrap and a prana vitality massage help to restore positive feelings, renew strength and leave the skin brilliantly luminous.

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