King's Business - 1944-01


T H E K I N G ’ S B U S IN E S S

Bible Institute FAMILY CIRCLE

Geneva Kosher, ’42, is an accepted candidate of the Africa Inland Mis­ sion, and plans to leave for Africa within the coming year. Miss Kosher has been doing child evangelism work in connection with the First Baptist Church, Longview, Texas, and now plans to do. rural missionary work un­ til the time fo r her departure to the foreign field. Ambassadors Abroad Peter (’38) and Mrs. B r a s h l e r (Edythe McKee, ’37) missionaries in Congo Beige, Africa, have received, in answer to prayer, a tropical, short wave radio. Being the only white peo­ ple in a radius >f 60 miles, the Brash- lers are thrilled to hear news from London, and sometimes from the United S.tates. Mrs. Brashler teaches a large class o f African girls to read the Bible, and to sew clothes. Jean Buchan, ’39, a missionary in Lohaghat, Almora Dist., U. P., India, rejoices that the Lord has enabled her to resume her duties after ten months o f being laid aside due to the ampu­ tation o f one limb. Harried Virgil Arrowood and Allison Sel- way, ’38, Sept. 14, Denver, Colo. Keith Ball and Betty Boone, Nov. 26, Ceres, Calif. Curtis Elliott, ’24, and Elsie Gath­ erer, Dec. 6, Glendale, Calif. C.Ph.M. Mark Shannon and Inez Miller, ’42, Aug. 29, Santa Ana, Calif. C. P. O. Joseph Thames, U. S. C. G., and Betty Jane Rogers, ’42, Nov. 28, Escondido, Calif. Bern To Ben ( ’42) and Mrs. Elson (Adelle Ottoson, ’42), a son, Lee Irving, Nov. 8, Mexico City, Mex. To Earle and Mrs. Gardiner (Grace Smith), a daughter, Erlene Grace, Dec. 5, Tulare, Calif. To R. Stuart and Mrs. Gillis, a daughter, Merilynn Rosina, Nov. 13, Stony Brook, L. I., New York. To Leslie and Mrs. Gonnsen, a daughter, Nancy Elizabeth, Nov. 22, Princeton, N. Y. To Joseph and Mrs. O l s o n (Jean Carruthers,' ’36) ■ -a daughter, M a r y Jean, Nov. 4, Inglewood, Calif. To George and Mrs. Ritz (Katharine Baerg, ’28), a daughter, Carolyn Joyce, Oct. 23, Cleveland, Ohio. To John (’35) and Mrs. Ryan (Erma Altergott, ’35), a son, James Samuel, Nov. 13, Golden, Colo. To Menno (’40) and Mrs. Schellen- berg, a daughter, Evelyn Marie, Nov. 11, Dos Palos, Calif

In America Peter Agulian, ’26, is pastor of the Armenian Gospel Mission, 650 West 21st St., Los Angeles, Calif. Carl and Mrs. Wintersteen (Ellen Hoffman, ’20) h a v e arrived in the United States on furlough after their third term in Bolivia, with the Bolivian Indian Mission. They w e r e accom­ panied by their three children. Lt. Ben C. Erickson, ’33, received his appointment as chaplain in the United States Army, and is reporting to the ’school fo r chaplains at Har­ vard University, Cambridge, Mass. Paul Tibbetts, ’41, has been' called to the pastorate of the Coachella Val­ ley Christian Church, Coachella, Calif. Friends-of Alvin L. Moyer, ’22, pas­ tor o f the Independent Bible Mission, Yakima, Wash., will rejoice to know that the church shows a steady in­ crease in numbers and in the knowl­ edge of the Lord. This work began as a Sunday-school and has now be­ come a regular ministry. Ruth Wenger, ’42, is in nurse’s train­ ing at the Bethel Deaconess -Hospital, Newton, Kans., and is praising the Lord fo r His all-sufficiency. Edward J. Wiebe, ’42, is attending Hesston College, Hesston, Kans . , where he has heen appointed super­ visor o f the men in bpth the college and academy departments. Elsie Friesen, ’36, Box 45, Dinuba, Calif., is in full-time migrant camp* work west o f Tulare, Calif. Each week Miss Friesen conducts five Bible classes fo r boys and girls, and does visitation work. She has found an appalling ignorance o f the B i b l e and has had the priceless opportunity of telling the gospel story to many who have never heard. Walter (’35) and Mrs. Lyons (Helen Williams, ’36) write o f the Lord’s rich blessing upon the North End Bible Church, Seattle, Wash., w h e r e Mr.' Lyons has served as pastor fo r three years. The Lord has enabled them to purchase a church building in one of the neediest sections of the city. The Lyons’ children, Billy and Patricia, are ages five and two. $ Robert M. (’28) and Mrs. Wright (’28) are now located in Apt. 3, 813 W. 3rd St., Little Rock, -Ark., where they ate busily engaged in child evan­ gelism and in a radio ministry. Spe­ cial prayer is requested t h a t more classes may be organized, and that God will supply the needed homes and teachers. Elizabeth Foth, ’16, superintendent of the Gospel Hall in Brooklyn, N. Y.,

rejoices in the confidence in prayer that the people around the Mission have displayed. Recently a woman came running to Miss Foth and cry­ ing: “My little girl has double pneu­ monia. The doctor says she can’t live. Won’t you pray?” Prayer was made, and some time later the woman pointed to the little girl and said: “Look, Miss Foth, that is my girl. She is well!” Since then she has accepted Christ. Mary Quiring, ’31, is working among the Indians in Poplar, Mont. A small house has been obtained and meet­ ings are held in the front room. The boys and girls who attend the Sun­ day-school classes and the Bible class on Thursday afternoons range in age from four to twelve. Visitation work among the mothers is being done in an endeavor to win their confidence. The new address o f E. Rexford (’27) and Mrs. Smith (Grace H. Weller ’26) is 218 Grape St.,- Visalia, Calif. Mr. and Mrs. Smith are buying up the opportunity of witnessing to “Mexican Nationals” who have been brought into the Country as agricultural labor­ ers fo r the present..labor emergency. The gospel may be sent back to Mexico by reaching th^se men while they are here. The Mexicans have been found ready to listen to God’s Word, and they receive gladly all the Gospels and tracts given to .them. Hazel Brown, ’38, has spent three happy years in witnessing to the Jews o f Syracuse, New York. Pray that a harvest o f souls may be realized as God’s Word is faithfully proclaimed. Chaplain Byron Chase, B.Th. ’38, stationed at the Victorville Army A ir Field, Victorville, Calif., writes o f the challenge presented to a r m y chap­ lains. Although the future is a mili­ tary secret, a Christian soldier’s times are in God’s hands. Gordon, B.Th. '38, and Mrs. Hyde are serving the Lord in Prescott, Ariz., where Mr. Hyde is pastor o f the First Baptist Church. Sixty acres of forest land only five miles from the church have been purchased fo r summer con­ ference grounds. Don, '38, and Mrs. Kenny are located in Beach, N. Dak.,, where Mr. Kenny is pastor of the U n i t e d Brethren Church. Claude, ’37, and Mrs. Moffitt (Hazel Alsop, B.Ch. Ed. ’38) praise the Lord fo r His blessing upon the H o o v e r Street Baptist Church in Los Angeles, where Mr. Moffitt is pastor. A branch church was organized in a near-by de­ fense area, and now has 80 members. The.Moffitts’ two small children are. Robert and Gayle.

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