King's Business - 1944-01


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by W illiam H. W righton

A devotional book that will deepen your appreciation of the love of Christ. . . revealing . its many different aspects, and what its appropriation can mean to your Christian life. Ninety meditations, 96 pp.

$ 1.00

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( ( We Cry Unto Thee For H elp”

Seventeen sick and wounded, and a crew of six, in an army transport plane crash-landed on a coral reef, the water waist-high in the shattered cabin. For four days, in thirst, hun­ ger and pain, they waited for a rescue that might never come. On the fifth long day of waiting, a nineteen-year- old boy, sick with malaria and with wounds in his side and back, remem­ bered it was Sunday. Church services were being held back home. There in the lone Pacific, they too held service. “ Oh most powerful and glorious Lord God,” they prayed, “we cry un­ to Thee for help.” Before another Sunday, help did come. You may not be able to shoulder a gun. You may not have to share with our boys the terrible hardships of bat­ tle. But there is one thing you can do.

You can see to it that, through the American Bible Society, the W ord of God is made available to our Armed Forces wherever they are, so that sometime, somewhere in the jungle or desert, those boys of ours— facing the supreme test of their courage— may find comfort, strength, and perhaps deliverance. And for the future— remember, when you buy an American Bible So­ ciety Annuity Agreement, your money will not only help further the work of distributing the Bible and New Testaments to the young men of all race's and of all lands in years to come, at the same time you receive as high as 7 % returns. Do not fail! In­ vestigate this Plan at once! Send for the booklet “ A G ift That Lives.”

Join with Your Friends IN C LASS BIBLE STUDY The inspiration of group study . . . the careful guidance of a well planned course . . . that’s what the Corre­ spondence School Class Study Plan provides. Half-price enrollment to members of a class numbering ten or more. Send today fo r ,folder listing courses and telling you how to organize a class. Address Dept. K-838

C O R R ES PON D EN C E SCHOOL ody Bible Institute .153 INSTITUTE . PLACE • C H IC A G O

E X C L U S I V E !

URGENT! MAIL THIS COUPON TODAY! American Bible Society, Bible House, New York, N. Y. □ Please send me, without obligation, your booklet KB -41 entitled “A Gift That Lives? □ I enclose $............ to provide Testaments for our boys.

AN INCOME A s s u r e d

by her granddaughter, Emm; Moody Powell. Only biography o the life associate of D. L. Moody evangelist and founder of school Reveals Mrs. Moody’s share ii the destiny of her era. The a thor had access to diaries, let tors, intimate family records a photographs never before use 343 pp. $2.00

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