King's Business - 1944-01


January, 1944

Object Lesson P alms and P eople OBJECT: A palm branch. ( I f not < obtainable, use either a picture or col­ ored paper cut t o .represent a palm branch.) LESSON: I brought a palm branch with me this morning. Have you ever wondered why the palm tree was hon­ ored by having its branches used on that great day when-"Jesus rode into Jerusalem? I think it was because palms show us how Gbd wants us to be. First, let us note that the palm tree grows from the heart. You cannot kill a palm by ringing it with a knife as you can any other tree. -The palm can be badly burned on the outside and still live because its life is on the in­ side. The botanists use two big words and say the palm is “endogenous” in­ stead of “ exogenous” as other trees. This simply means that the life is fed from within instead o f on the outside under the bark. Ephesians 6:6 speaks o f Christians, “doing the will of God from the heart.” The palm tree grows in different places, often being found in the sands of the desert, where there is apparent­ ly no water. As the palms have a hid­ den source o f water supply, so the Christian drinks of Christ the Water of life. Next, the palm grows straight. You seldom see a leaning or crooked palm. , Like the palm tree, God’s children should be straight, unchanged by the winds and sands of the desert life. The palm tree guides the thirsty to water. Often the desert travelers are guided for miles to wells of water by the faithful palms. As Philip brought Nathaniel, and Andrew brought Peter to Christ, so, Christians should be guid­ ing others to Christ, the living Water. The palms grow in groups. In Exo­ dus 15:27 we read, “And they came to Elim where were . . . three score and ten palm trees.” A lonely palm tree looks out of place. Instructions for Christians read, “Not forsaking the as­ sembling of ourselves together’’ (Heb. 10:25). > Perhaps these suggestions will Help us to realize why palms were chosen on the day when Christ was greatly honored. Be like the palm and you, too, will bring honor to Christ. R •D •« 2• 27 •«

character and teaching of Christ. He went to his rabbi and said: “Rabbi, the Christians say that Christ has al­ ready come, while we claim that He is yet to come.” ; “ Yes,” assented the rabbi. ~ “Well,” asked thè young soldier, “when our Christ comes, what will he have on Jesus Christ?” What the rabbi said we do not know. What could he'say?—A Camp Pastor. A House of Prayer ' M ark 11:1-19 MEMORY VERSE: “Lord, I have iOved . . . thy house” (Psa. 26:8). AIM: To show the eternal truth­ fulness of the Word of God, and the joy in believing it. APPROACH: While the Lord Jesus was here on earth, He went often to the temple, which we would call the church. But one trip was a very special one. It was special because, long before, God had told just what called Him their King. I f the people had remembered what God had said, they would not have been surprised at the wonderful things that took place. LESSON STORY: When the special day had come,.’' Jesus said to His friends, “Go your way into the vil­ lage . . . . ye shall find a colt tied . . . loose him, and bring him” (v. 2). Perhaps the friends o f Jesus thought: W ill the colt be there? Will somebody try to stop us? The Lord Jesus knew their thoughts, and He said: “ I f any man say unto you, Why do ye this? Say ye that the Lord hath need of him; and . . . he will send him” (v. 3). That is just what happened. “They brought the colt to Jesus, and cast their garments on him; and he sat upon him” (v. 7). The Bible says that many of the people spread their gar­ ments in the oath, and others cut down branches from the trees and spread them in the way, and all the time they were singing and shouting their joy: “Hosanna; blessed is he that cometh in the name of the Lord” (v. 9). It was a very happy day. But the people soon forgot. Just as they did not always remember God’s words to them, so now they did not remember to treat Jesus as their King. Shall we ask the Lord to help us to remember? would take place that day (cf. Zech. 9:9). T h e L o r d J e s us , God said, would ride into the city o f Jerusalem, where t h e temple was, sitting on a l i t t l e colt, and those who followed Jesus w o u l d be h a p p y as t h e y

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Plan to Attend Torrey Memorial Bible Conference Bible Institute of Los Angeles January 23 to 30, 1944 See Page 9

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