King's Business - 1944-01

Hyman Appelman

Jitsuo Morikawa

Herbert G. Tovey

Lester E. Huber

NOTES on Christian Endeavor

II. FELLOWSHIP BROKEN BY SIN. Sin approached this blessed state in Eden, and through its power fellow­ ship was broken into fragments (Gen. 3). Sin likewise drowned the world, burned Sodom and Gomorrah, spoiled the Israelites, and slew the Son of God. Sin laughs at the church, blinds the individual to Christ, and finally sends the unrepentant soul to a dark and Christless eternity.


FEBRUARY 6, 1944 CHRISTIAN ENDEAVOR , A WORLD FELLOWSHIP G alatians 3:26-28 By Herbert G. Tovey Introduction

Though mankind had become the servant and tool of sin, God’s love never waned. He knew man and what was in him (John 2:25), and through­ out the Old Testament, by types, in ob­ servances, and by promises through prophecy, He began to point His crea­ tion to a “ new and living way,” the

"A young lad, working as an assist­ ant to a church glass window maker, gathered a large store of the frag­ ments, discarded by him. This boy be­ came a young man, and revealed his own skill by building a window of those seemingly unrelated pieces that became a work of a rt Every piece of glass was different in shape, as were the colors used; and yet, when this new window was finished, it appeared to have been planned, piece by piece, for it portrayed a theme of beauty exceeding the work of the master.” Up from the outlawed systems of mankind, out from the discarded plans of master minds, from down­ trodden and despised peoples, and from the realm termed ignorance, rises a masterpiece which brings to naught the wisdom of the wise and confounds the materialistic logician. It is made o f segments impossible to the under­ standing of man, but precious in the hand of God, and is united into a glorious testimony by the majesty of the sacrificial work of Christ. It is the living church of Christ, God’s crown­ ing masterpiece, of w h i c h saved Christian Endeavor is a glorious part. For Those Who Have Topics L FELLOWSHIP CREATED BY GOD. In the second chapter of Genesis, God pictures a perfect fellowship, a perfect man (v. 7), a perfect garden (vs. 8-10), perfect laws (vs. 8-3.7), and perfect companionship (vs. 22- 24).

February 6—HERBERT G. TOVEY <

Dr. Tovey is Director of the Music Department of the Bible Institute of Los Angeles. For a period of years, he has been director of music for the County and State Christian Endeavor Conventions. He also directs the Los Angeles County C. E. chorus. As a lieutenant chaplain in the police force of Monte­ bello, Calif., Dr. Tovey is in charge of juvenile delinquency.

February 13-—LESTER E. HUBER

Mr. Huber is the Superintendent of the Southern Bible Train­ ing School for Negroes, in Dallas, Tex. He spent seven years as a m i s s i o n a r y in Central Africa, He has been a speaker at young people’s camps and conferences through­ out the United States.


Mr. Appelman of Fort Worth, Texas, Is director of evange­ lism for “Christ for America,” a national movement to reach the multitudes for Christ through city-wide gospel cam­ paigns. In all such meetings, Mr. Appelman always seeks to enlist young men and women in the army of Christ


Mr. Morikawa (Biola ’33) is pastor of the Federated Protes­ tant Church, Colorado River War Relocation Project, Poston, Ariz. Previous to this ministry, Mr. Morikawa was director of young people’s work in the Japanese Baptist Churches lo­ cated in Los Angeles, Gardena, and Terminal Island, Calif.

It's an Ideal—See Page 17.

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