King's Business - 1944-01

January, 1944


crowning act of all time—Calvary. From-then on, death gave place to life, works gave place to grace, and separation gave place to fellowship (Eph. 2:1-22). In a great yard of broken pieces of iron, a large electric magnet mounted under a moving crane was lowered over and into that heap of scrap metal. At a signal, the operator turned a lever that flooded the magnet with electric power, and in, an instant, hundreds of pounds of that metql sprang up to be clasped by the mag­ net. It was then placed in a great fur­ nace which melted these many pieces of metal into one great unity, a cast­ ing to be used in industry. Thus at Calvary, the power of God was re­ leased, and now “ all men” are being drawn to Him (John 12:32). Through faith in Christ they are united into one glorious, perfect fellowship for a definite service to this world. Conclusion Christian Endeavor 4s a practical ex­ pression of this wonderful fellowship. It is the one body of Christian youth found represented in all denomina­ tions throughout the world. Unitedly these young people stand in the grace of God, march to the rhythm of their songs, and run with their message /that others may know the joy of this fellowship, centered in Christ, their matchless Redeemer. FEBRUARY 13, 1944 M Y NEIGHBOR : THE NEGRO R o m a n s 15:1-7; R u t h 4:1-12 By Lester E. Huber Introduction God’s Word tells us that "even Christ pleased not himself,” and that we are “ please ourselves,” but "let every one of us please his neigh­ bor” (Rom. 15:1-3). Christ sets the example which we are to follow. This is impossible unless our lives are filled and controlled by the One who “pleased not himself.” Our attitude toward God’s Word w ill determine our attitude toward the Negro. The Bible makes no distinction be­ tween the races, but says of believers in Christ, “ For by one Spirit are we all baptized into one body whether we be Jews or Gentiles, whether we be bond or free” (l.Cor. 12:13). It is so easy to love the heathen of Africa who are far away, or even the' cute little Negro babies in this country; but how sad it is to see the little love and con­ cern there is for the great mass of Negroes in our land! You w ill recall the story of “Sophie the Washerwoman” who lived in a New York tenement house. She was asking the Lord to send her to some foreign field as a missionary. The Lord asked her whether she had witnessed


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to the foreigners living in her build­ ing: the Negro, the Japanese, the Chi­ nese, the Italian, the Greek, and the Russian, living in that great-tenement house. The Lord used her to bring many to Christ, and she said: “ The Lord made me a foreign missionary at home, but it didn’t cost me a penny to go to them, because the Lord sent them all to me, and made them pay their own passage to come to me.” God has brought the Negro to us, and they have become “ our neighbors.” For Those Who Hove Topics L FACTS ABOUT THE NEGRO. 1. There are 13,000,000 Negroes in the United-States, 10,000,000 of whom are in the South. They have made tremendous progress since the Civil War, but particularly since the last World War. Education has brought about a radical change in their way of living, their outlook on life, and their ambitions for the future. Many of them have attained great success in business, sports, in the fields of educa­ tion, music, science, and many other branches of learning. These attain­ ments have led to a high degree of racial pride which in turn has brought about a desire for racial equality. 2. The Negro is the most friendly of all races. He laughs more, and wor­ ries less than others. He is very sen­ sitive, but not easily offended. He re­ sents the term “ nigger,” and prefers to be called “ colored.” His whole life is often centered in the church. He accepts the Bible; Negro modernists are rare. II. PROBLEMS OF THE NEGRO. 1. Discrimination in the form of Jim Crow laws gives t£ie Negro a sense of inferiority which is hard to overcome, and makes him very sensitive, leaving him with a feeling of injustice. 2. Often the Negro has a very poor home life. Both mother and father must work in order to support the

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