King's Business - 1944-01

T H E K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S


MULTNOMAH H n S c h o o l o f th e I V l B I B L E A ftust growing Bible school ideally located in the great Northwest. Capable, devoted faculty; enthusiastic student body. A Bible- Centered curriculum—fully accredited. Tui­ tion FREE, expenses low. / “ Built With Prayer** W rite for Catalog and particulars Interesting tract, “ The Sin of Trying to Be Good’* sent Free to all inquirers. Willard M. Aldrich, Th.D., President 703 N.E. Multnomah St., Portland 12, Ore. FRE SAMPLES § > V 0 to j Q fle n ih Whenyoujoin the thrilling Tract-of-the-Month Club! Mail $1.00 to receive 25 fresh, new tracts monthly, plus new samples and bi-monthly paper. With $2.00 subscription for 50 tracts, double-compartment tract holder sent free. Join now! Don’t miss these good things! Tract-of-the Month Club, 322 W.Washington,Chicago

ly furnished unto all good works” (2 Tim. 3:16, 17). We are. 'to draw everything from the Word of God. In order to do this, we need to know the Bible; thic book which is profitable for doctrine, that is for teaching. It is also profitable for reproof; it shows me where I. am wrong, where I have deviated from the mind of God. Then in the third place, it is profitable for correction; it shows me how to get right. And lastly, it is profitable for instruction in righteousness; it shows me how to keep right.—H. A. Ironside. 10. Help for Keeping God's Law “Moreover by them is thy servant warned: and in keeping of them there is great reward” (Psa. 19:11). This last consideration sent David to the throne of mercy. What! A re­ ward, a great reward! And only, to those who keep God’s law? My con­ science tells me that the reward is not for me; I cannot plead this ob­ servance. David had public sins, secret faults and errors, to deplore. But he had at hand three means of help: con­ fession of sin, petition for grace, faith in the divine mercy, through the great Redeemer.—D. B. Clapp. 11. Clearer Sight “ For now we see through a glass, darkly; but then face to faoe” (1 Cor. 13:12). . Sin is the dirt of life which darkens up the window of our spiritual in­ sight. A person whose life is strewn over with sin cannot see God clearly, cannot easily perceive and appreciate nonmaterial realities. Even a very thin film of sin—carefully disguised selfishness, unchristlike prejudices, self-deceit—makes one’s vision dim­ med and the glories of God look dull and faded. He sees more “ darkly” than he needs to see. Clean away the dirt of life that you may see God and His great spiritual realm more clearly. —Genevieve Sharp Sowards. 12. Walking With God “And Enoch walked with God” (Gen. 5:24). What does walking with God really mean? To me it first suggests agree­ ment, for some writer says, “ Shall we walk together except we agree?” Sec­ ondly, it suggests friendship. Friends walk together, not enemies. Thirdly, it suggests progress. When we walk we expect to arrive somewhere. We expect to reach our goal. The fourth suggestion is improvement. That is, we are getting better acquainted, making some advancement or reform. But the greatest fundamental is com­ panionship.—H. C. Funderburg. 13. By God's Permission “The Lord gave, and the Lord hath

us, we must take time to feed upon His Word. Only in that way can the hunger of the soul be satisfied, and the Christian be fortified to meet the temptations, vexations, and responsi­ bilities of the tragic hours through which the world is passing. Are you too busy for God’s Word? Then you are busier than God ever intended for you to be. —The Alliance Weekly. The Sweetening Branch “ And the Lord showed him a tree, which when he had cast into the waters, the waters were made sweet” (Ex. 15:25). Have you come to bitter waters in your life, and have you found that Christ is the One who can sweeten them? He alone can bring good out of evil, and fruitage from the barren vine. If you have not thus far trusted Him with the bitter experiences of your life, why not do so today? He is ever waiting to prove to His own that His salvatibn extends to the sweeten­ ing of life in the flesh which of neces­ sity is beset with many hard experi­ ences. Accept God’s righteous Branch as the Sweetener of your life. Others w ill then detect a heavenly sweetness about your life, and w ill desire to drink of the Christ-sweetened water of life.—Milo F. Jamison. 8. Lessons in Faith “ For we walk by faith, not by sight” (2 Cor. 5:7). God never would send you darkness If He knew you could bear the light; But you would not cling to His guiding " hand If the way were always bright; And you would not learn to walk by faith, Could you always walk by sight. —The Sunday School Missionary. 9. . Get Bight; Keep Right “ A ll Scripture is given by inspira­ tion of God, and is profitable for doc­ trine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness: That the man of God may be perfect, thorough­ 7.

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