King's Business - 1944-01


January, 1944

The margin; says, “ thy gift.” The burden becomes a gift, because, as the text itself suggests, it brings the Burden-bearer so near to us that we are enabled to cling to Him, while the arm of His strength sustains us. Trials bring the Saviour near: “I will be with him in trouble.” , . He will bear thee and thy burden. —David M. McIntyre. Transformation “I will make you to become fishers o f men” (Mk. 1:17). “ I will make you.” Christ never calls a person to make himself over. “ I will” is the promise to the one who will come after Him. When a person accepts Jesus as Saviour he becomes a new creature. That is, he becomes spiritually born again. Then begins the process of transformation that really makes over the life of the person who will follow Jesus. Many are the ways in which God works in making over a life. . . . [making] a vessel that He can use. —Hilland H. Stewart. ^ The Proper Path “And we know that all things work together fo r good to them that love God, to them who are the called ac­ cording to his purpose” (Rom. 8:28). Whate’er my God ordains is right! He never will deceive; He leads me by the proper path, And so to Him I cleave, And take content What He hath sent. His hand can turn my griefs away, And patiently I wait His day. —Selected. 17. 18.

taken away; blessed be the name of the Lord” (Job 1:21). Was not Job mistaken? Should he not have said, “The Lord gave, and Satan hath taken away” ? No, there was no mistake. The same grace which had enabled him unharmed to receive blessing from the hand of God, en­ abled him to discern the hand of God in the calamities which had befallen him. Oftentimes shall we be helped and 'blessed if we bear this in mind— that Satan is servant, and not master, and that he, and wicked men incited by him, are permitted only to do that which God by His determinate counsel and foreknowledge has before deter­ mined shall be done. Come joy, or come sorrow, we may always take it from the hand of God. —J. Hudson Taylor. God Manifest “Because that which may be known of God is manifest in them” (Rom. i:19). I saw the morning burst in glory Across the eastern sky. I saw anew, creation’s story, When God and man were nigh. I saw—and rejoiced! My Father made that. I saw the mountains round about In crowns of rose and gold. I felt the very rocks could shout The sweetest story ever told. I saw—and rejoiced! My Father made that. I saw the day slip to its place Reflecting glory in the sea. In shame I knelt and hid my face— O God of beauty, shine in me! I saw—and rejoiced! My Father made that —The Conqueror. A Shining Face “ And it came to pass, when Moses came down from Mount Sinai with the two tables of testimony in Moses’ hand . . •. that [he] wist not that the skin of his face shone” (Ex. 34:29). It is when we pray, that heaven’s glory floods our souls, makes lumi­ nous our faces, musical our lives, and sacramentalizes our lo t The lack of richness in too many souls, of re­ splendence on too many faces, of tri­ umph in too many lives, can be traced to the neglect of .private prayer. We shall not be conformed to this world, but shall undergo a transformation in our whole personality, when we have found the mountain top of direct, vital, and believing fellowship with God, arid are filled with His fullness. —Joseph Pearce. 16. Sustained by His Strength “ Cast thy burden upon the Lord and he shall sustain thee” (Psa. 55:22). 14. IS.

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