King's Business - 1944-01

T H E K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S



r L i t e r a tu r e Tab l e “Give attendance to reading, to exhortation, to doctrine . . . Meditate on these things . . . . that thy profiting may appear to all” (1 Tim. 4:13-15).

Three lessons are given on “How to Study Types.” This book will take its place alongside Bible dictionaries, concordances and commentaries as a source of n e e d e d information. 236 pages. The W. & M. Publications, Box 2424, Kansas City 13, Mo. Cloth. Price $3.00.

all methods of teaching. 320 pages. Higley Press, Butler, Ihd. Cloth. Price $ 1 . 00 . The Gist of the Lesson. This vest- pocket commentary embodying the work of that great teacher, R. A. Tor- rey, will do wonders in helping the busy teacher to utilize odd moments for profitable study. 162 pages. Revell Co., New York, N. Y. Board. Price 40 cents.- Points for Emphasis by Hight C. Moore. Always helpful, this vest- pocket booklet stimulates thought— the teacher’s and the pupils’. 192 pages. Broadman Press. Board. Price 40 cents. Arnold’s Practical Commentary. This year’s volume is the fiftieth in the series. For each lesson, the text is, explained, discussion material a n d questions are furnished, practical ap­ plications, illustrations, and sidelights are given, and special help for de­ partments is offered. 239 pages. Light and L ife Press, Winona Lake, Ind. Cloth. Price $1.00. ★ Facing the questions, "Are t h e s e the last days?” and “ Are the times o f the Gentiles about to finish?” Dr. Lockyer has given, in fifteen mean­ ingful chapters, answers that will appeal especially to “ young believers . . . to whom the truth of Christ’s coming is most fascinating when first encountered.” The book is both homi- letical in form and practical in appli­ cation; there is a distinct devotional element. 128 pages. Zondervan Pub. House, Grand Rapids, Mich. Cloth. Price $1.25. : ★ This Means That By Walter Lewis Wilson In this new book by “the beloved physician,” a long-felt need is met. Here will be found, arranged alpha­ betically, a compendium of t y p e s, shadows, signs, and symbols used in the Word of God, with a fairly com-, plete explanation of Scripture pas­ sages concerned. Cameos of Prophecy By Herbert Lockyer

Wlngspread By A . W . Tozer

Here is an example of excellent bio­ graphical writing. On December 15, 1943, occurred the centenary of the birth of A. B. Simpson, one of the great spiritual leaders of a preceding generation. This book commemorates ^that event. Unencumbered by dry statistics, the chapters swing along with easy grace. The author, with extraordinary faith­ fulness to fact, has “left the warts on,” showing Simpson’s weaknesses as clearly as his dynamic strengths are portrayed. A biographer is no novice who can do that. These eight­ een very short sections — many of them presenting parallels b e t w e e n David’s life and' Simpson’s—will not only invite rereading, but they will also impel it. For, with his bubbling wit, sympathetic discernment, and de­ lightfully crisp diction, Mr. Tozer him­ self will be as much appreciated as will, be the character and work that he has set out to depict.. Even though the reader may not share fully with missionary-hearted Simpson his ap­ praisal o f Jesus Christ: “ S a v i o u r , Sanctifier, Healer, Glorious Lord, and Coming King,” it will be an eye-opener to him to study what God did through a man who held these views. 143 pages. Christian Publications, Har­ risburg, Pa. Cloth. Price $1.00. Sunday School Lesson Helps Peioubet’s Select Notes by Wilbur M. Smith. Scholarly, clear, well il­ lustrated, this volume, now in its sev­ entieth year of publication, is always a favorite with thorough Bible teach­ ers. The Scriptural interpretation is in keeping with thsit of the evangeli­ cal faith; this is important. Sugges­ tions to teachers are along the lines of sound pedagogy. The book offers a wealth of information. 436 pages. W. A. Wilde Co., Boston, Mass. Cloth. Price $2.00. Higley’s Sunday School Lesson Com­ mentary. Offered as “a twervty-two- feature book for only $1.00” the book presents an abundance of usable ma­ terial. The information is so arranged as to give maximum access with a minimum of effort. It is adaptable to

The First Christmas By Winifred Kirkland

“ The gallery is open every Christ­ mas to all who wish to enter”—the word-picture room in which the por­ traits o f the Christmas characters may be studied. Zachariah and Elisa­ beth, Joseph and Mary, Simeon and Anna, groups of shepherds, wise men, and others—all are here. The author o f the book has caught the purity of- e x p r e s s i o n that belonged to the “ artist,” Luke, and the exquisite lines of this meditation read like a beauti­ ful poem. 29 pages. Revell Co., New York, N. Y. Art board cover. Price $ 1 . 00 . Love’s Meaning By Archibald Rutledge ' The author has long been known fo r his keen sense of the beautiful in God’s creation. He approaches the present subject reverently and dis­ cusses the meaning of love, growing in grace, love and action, love and mystery, love and grief, and love’s permanence. His findings lack stress upon the divine Saviourhood of Christ, through whom alone true love is ap­ propriated, ‘ but for the discerning reader the "book has gems o f truth. 42 pages. Revell Co., New York, N. Y. Art board cover. Price 75 cents. Published first under the title "Filled with the Spirit,” this book of 366 page- long daily devotional readings already has gone through several editions. Its popularity is deserved, for the selec­ tions have freshness, originality, and spiritual power not often found' in similar writing. 379 pages. Zondervan Pub. House, Grand Rapids, Mich. Cloth. Price $2.00. The Borrowed Glow By -Richard Ellsworth Day


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