King's Business - 1944-01


January, 1944

Man of Like Passions By Richard Ellsworth Day

Spurgeon’s Sermons on the Second Coming By David Otis Fuller

dividual pupil, are some of the ques­ tions which are dealt with in this handbook. The twofold achievement of good Sundaÿ-school teaching is em­ phasized—to win the s t u d e n t for Christ, and to lead him to so conse­ crate his life to the Lord that his whole being will be Christ-centered. Credit is given by the Educational De­ partment o f the Baptist Sunday School Board, Nashville, Tenn., to those who meet the l i s t e d requirements. 170 pages. The Sunday School Board of the Southern Baptist Convention of Nashville, Tenn. Cloth 60 cents. Paper 40 cents.

Already well-known through his biog­ raphies of Spurgeon and Moody, Dr. Day here sketches in masterful strokes the life story of Charles Grandison F i n n e y —the man whom God used mightily to kindle revival fires. The book is not so much' of Finney as it is an evaluation of Tiis person­ ality and career, and a probing into the secret of his unquenchable spir­ itual power. The f a c t s themselves

It is significant that one of the fa ­ vorite themes of “the prince of preach­ ers,” Charles Haddon Spurgeon, was the return o f the Lord Jesus Christ. In his preaching, he maintained the same emphasis upon this vital matter that the New Testament itself main­ tains. Perhaps t h a t is one reason for the power of his ministry. To présent in this volume seven of Spur­ geon’s sermons in compact form, Dr. Fuller has condensed the matter so skillfully as to take from it none of the warmth and appeal of the longer work. Here is a book that will stir the preacher’s own heart, and then the hearts of his hearers? 147 pages. Zondervan Pub. House, Grand Rapids, Mich. Cloth. Price $1.25. Finding that '‘some of God’s mighti­ est acts in the drama of providence and redemption,” as well as some of man’s saddest failures and most mo­ mentous decisions, have taken place at night, the author has devoted his abilities to discussion of sixteen of these memorable “nights.” The Night of Doom, of Dissipation, of Ship­ wreck, o f Repentance, of Tempest, of Agony—these, and more, are depicted graphically. The messages are fresh and searching; they furnish also an abundance o f sermonic material. 224 pages. Abingdon-Cokesbury P r e s s , Nashville, Tenn. Cloth. Price $1.50. Designating the sixty-ninth and sev­ entieth weeks of Daniel’s prophecy aS the “hidden break in God’s prophetic plan,” the author shows that failure to understand what is revealed in the Word of God concerning the period between Messiah’s rejection and the consequent setting up of the kingdom, is a failure that has led to most of the unscriptural teaching along pro­ phetic lines that is apparent today. Dr. Ironside is a careful student of the Word; he rides no hobbies. His work is clear and comprehensible. 131 pages. Zondervan Pub. House, Grand Rapids, Mich. Cloth. Price $1.25. The Improvement of Teaching The necessity of improvement in the Sunday-school teacher’s work, how the teacher may become better able to ac­ complish his task, the great place which Bible study should hold in the teacher’s program, and the value of the teacher’s understanding of the in­ . Great Nights of the Bible By Clarence E. Macartney The Great Parenthesis By H . A . Ironside in the Sunday School By Ga-ines S. Dobbins

■ [ Continued on Page 39]

The MARTYRDOM of ISRAEL C a n th e R em n a n t o f th e Jew s o f E u r o p e B e S a v ed ? In their synagogue prayers orthodox Jews thus plead with God: "Look from heaven and see how we have become a scorn and a derision among the na­ tions; we are accounted as sheep brought to the slaughter, to be slain and de­ stroyed, to be smitten and reproached."

negotiating with the American and British governments with a view of opening the doors of Palestine and other countries for the Jews in Nazi lands on the brink of extermination. We hope and pray that this effort may be successful. But the care of these prospective refugees and countless oth­

What a commentary this heartrend­ ing prayer is upon the martyrdom of Israel today in Nazi-controlled Europe. TTie mass murder of the Jews devised by the Nazi conquerors, the carefully planned, s a t a n i c wickedness and cruelty far exceeds any torment the Jews have hitherto been called upon

to endure. Reports show that nearly three million Jews in Europe have al­ ready been massacred by Himmler’s Gestapo. Daily multitudes of Jews are driv­ en like cattle or swiftly brought in sealed cattle cars to the death houses in Poland, where the helpless victims a r e murdered by gas or blood poisoning. Be­ fore t h e i r execution, the helpless victims are com­ pelled to dig the trenches in w h i c h the murdered masses are buried.

ers already rescued is the responsibility of the various societies like our own. We, therefore, implore Chris­ tians to help us continue to support our refugee relief operations. In the past we have been able to give suc­ cour to many victims of Nazi cruelty. We maintain Hostels or Refugee Homes in Great Britain to which many h a v e escaped. We give relief to refugees in Palestine, to those who have fled to neutral coun­

Rev. Jacob Peltz

tries, such as Sweden, Portugal, and Switzerland, and to some in internment camps in Canada. Material aid is coup­ led with spiritual aid and the oppor­ tunity to preach the Gospel. “Is it nothing to you, all ye that pass by? Behold, and see i f there be any sorrow like unto my sorrow," Lamen­ tations 1:12.

Saving the Jewish Remnant What can be done to save the rem­ nant of some 2,000,000 of the original 5,000,000 Jews in Nazi-controlled Eu­ rope? The “Emergency Committee to Save the Jewish People of Europe” is

Please help us now before It is too late. More information of Israel's suf­ ferings in the light of the Scriptures is contained in our publication: "The Present Day Attempt to Destroy the Jews." Write today for a copy which we will gladly send you free on request. If the Lo rd leads you to have fellowship with us in this work please send your gifts to: The International Hebrew Christian Alliance The Rev. Jacob Peltz, Ph. B., B.D., General Secretary Canadian Office: Dept. KB-14 U. S. A. Office: 91 Bellevue Ave.f Toronto, Ont. 4919 N. Albany Ave., Chicago 25, III.

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