King's Business - 1944-01

T H E K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S

S CARCELY A W EEK passes but that some one comes to me and says: “Mr. Talbot, I just can’t stand it— having our home broken up like this!” Sometimes the cruel circumstances of war reach into the family circle. At other times, it is supposed incompatibility in in­ dividuals that forms a widening wedge. Not infrequently it is the persistent refusal of one to accept the Lord Jesus Christ as Saviour, that causes heartache. Over and over there is the echo of the old song:

impelled to allow to be written— as a testi­ mony to the grace of God— the record of divine dealing in my own life and family. In our Australian home there were my parents and eight of us children. In His mercy, God saved every one of us— in some instances under circumstances that seemed moit unlikely from a human point of view. I here bear witness to the truth of Acts 16:31: “Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and thou shalt be saved, A N D THY HOUSE.” ' In the accompanying narrative, there is nothing of which I can feel proud; there is much that mortifies me. But, like Paul in Acts 26, I have testified of personal mat­ ters with one purpose alone: to set forth the matchless grace and power of our re­ deeming Lord.

■W ill the circle be unbroken, By and by?

As a pastor, I have sought to bring light and comfort from the Word of God to these needy souls, and as I have done so, the Author of the Book has spoken to my own heart. Almost against my will, 1 have been

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