King's Business - 1944-01


-January, 1944

LITERATURE TABLE [Continued from Page 37]

Increasing Church Attendance By Albert H. Gage

96 pages. The Moody Press, Chicago 10, 111. Paper. Price 35 cents.

The author proves that when church attendance is increased, benefits ac­ crue to the nation, to the community, and to the individual life. One chap­ ter is devoted io the pastor’s part in this work, and one to that of the lay­ man. There is no avoidance of the necessity, for honest effort to “stop the leaks,” by means of prayer, co­ operation, and hard work. At the close of each chapter, there are ques­ tions for further study. 130 pages. Zondervan Pub. House, Grand Rapids, Mich. Cloth. Price $1.25. Waithera By Anne Woodley Waithera’s parents were Christians, but not entirely separated from the heathen customs of their African tribe. Waithera was about to become a woman and had not made a stand for Christ, so she went through the heathen ceremony and married Nguni, who had professed Christ, but was not strohg enough to break away from heathenism. The story .of their path downward, including witch doctors, infant murder, polygamy and hate, is a graphic illustration of the hold that heathenism has on its people. The hunger in Waithera’s heart for the “ affair of God” finally led to peace.

■compel interest, and so uniquely phrased are they that the book is as fascinating as a novel. Who can get through the chapter, “While the Fire Burned,” without tears of personal contrition, without a tremendous long­ ing to pay the price of revival in this our day? 300 pages. Zondervan Pub. House, Grand Rapids, Mich. Cloth. Price $1.50. It is Time By Vance Havner Not intended as an interpretation of prophecy, this forceful little book is, nevertheless, a Scriptural setting forth of present and future trends. The author faces the question, “ Is the world growing better or worse?” and shows that it is growing both better and worse. So far as Christians are concerned, many of them are turning back to the Bible, are accepting its truths, and are witnessing for Christ. This is a gratifying change. On the other hand, in fulfillment of God’s Word, evil men and conditions áre growing more and more prominent, and may be expected to continue thüs until Christ “ returns personally and suddenly to rule and reign.” 95 pages. Revell Co., New York, N. Y. Cloth. Price $1.25.

Highways of Christian Living By Elgin S. Moyer

Librarian and Instructor in Church History at the Moody-Bible Institute of Chicago, Dr. Moyer prepared the chapters of this book originally for a class in the Radio School df the Bible, station WMBI. The work is devo­ tional rather than expository, begin­ ning with “ The Joy of Finding Salva­ tion” and ending with “The Path of Victory.” 166 pages. Moody Press, 153 Institute PL, Chicago 10, 111. Cloth. Price $1.00. They Brought Good Hews By Mildred Bishop Jorgenson Two young people, a doctor and a nurse, become the means of providing not only physical aid but also spirit­ ual light and blessing for natives of Colombia who crowd near to the gos­ pel launch, “ Buena’s Nuevas.” There is persecution, superstition, sickness, and loneliness to be borne. But joy in Christ accompanies it all. The book gives a clear picture of missionary privileges and difficulties; the lack of p 1o t is inconsequential. I l l pages. Moody Press; 153 Institute Place, Chi­ cago 10, 111. Cloth. Price $1.00.

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Who W ill be Elected President in 1944? Inside information on the 1944 outlook. The Yellow Peril and Bible Prophecy Shows the place of Japan in Bible pro­ phecy. The Truth About Juvenile Delinquency A book which every parent and teacher should have. Poison Peddlers An expose of the dope and alcohol evil.

The W a r of the Ages

New light on the age-old conflict.

The A -B -C of the Isms

A handbook of facts on the “isms.” Un-Americanism in High School Textbooks Gives a complete picture of antireligious education. What Really Went Wrong at Pearl Harbor? Shows how liquor produced the Pearl Harbor disaster.

Hell Over Hollywood

The Truth About the Movies. 35c per copy. All 9 books for $3 — Any 3 for

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